Page 35 - profiles in civil service program 2018 version
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housing with mixed income developments. W e ensured that the over 250

            grantees provided affected residents with case management and other services.
            W e disbursed Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) and Resident Opportunity and
            Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) grant funds to Public Housing Authorities through

            Competitions. W e initiated the Jobs Plus Program, replicating an
            MDRC/Rockefeller pilot program from the 1990s. This involved developing
            guidelines for the program, competing the funds, and monitoring or guiding

            the grantees. W e developed an education program that resulted in funding nine
            PHAs with funds to hire education navigators to assist teenagers in public
            housing to complete the Free Application for Student Aid (F AFSA) forms. In

            addition, we worked with the Book Rich Environment, distributing over
            250,000 books to public housing families. W e launched an effort to connect
            fathers with their children in public housing, called the HUD Fatherhood
            Initiative. As many as 1,100 PHAs and Multi-Family owners participated in

            this annual event on Father’s Day . W e developed the ‘With Every Heartbeat is
            Life’ program, an initiative with the National Institute of Health that focused
            on hiring Community Health W orkers to prevent and manage cardiovascular

            illnesses among public housing residents.

             Through all my federal responsibilities, HUD provided services to our most

            vulnerable American public, always perpetuating fiscal stewardship.

            I am Barry Grier and I served in the Department of Housing and Urban
            Development (HUD).  I am a past 2  Vice President for the Maryland
            Federation of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
            (NARFE) and Calvert County Chapter President.  While working at HUD, I
            earned my "stripes" as an activist and advocate for federal employees as the
            President of Baltimore Local 3122 of the American Federation of Government

            Employees (AFGE) for seven years. Both NARFE and Local 3122 have
            similar core missions:  working for the betterment of active and retired federal

            employees.  So, you see, I exchanged the AFGE "hat" for one for NARFE,
            and it was a natural "fit."

            I am Lauretta Williams Grier and I served in the Department of Housing

            and Urban Development, after working at the National Institutes of Health

            and the Food and Drug Administration.  At HUD, I managed the training and

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