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Groton Daily Independent
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 ~ Vol. 25 - No. 025 ~ 1 of 38
Tues., July 25, 2017
Senior Menu: Chicken fried steak, mashed pota- toes and gravy, diced beets, fruit cocktail cake, whole wheat bread.
Legion: State at Winner
Jr. Legion: at Clark, 6 p.m., DH
United Methodist: Bible Study, 10 a.m.
Olive Grove: Bridge, noon; Ladies League potluck
meal, 6 p.m.
Senior Menu: Turkey sub sandwich, creamy potato salad, fruited Jell-O salad, ice cream sundae.
United Methodist: Wednesday Coffee Time, 9 a.m.
Outdoor Story Time: at the Little Free Library lo- cated south of the Methodist Church, 10:30 a.m.
Olive Grove: Men’s League, 6 p.m.
Senior Menu: Roast pork, mashed potatoes, squash, tomato spoon salad, carrot bar, whole wheat bread.
Olive Grove: Full Circle Golf Tourney
1- Recycling trailers
1- Dairy Queen Ad
2- Chicken Soup of the Soul image
3- Elementary Renovations Update
4- Price put on damaged concrete
4- School Board Story
5- City Council Story
6- Gas prices expected to climb
7- Arts means business - column
8- Social Security Column
9- Storybook Land Theatre heads to the Granary 10- Obit: Glenn Johnson
11- 1940 Groton Jr. Legion Team
12- Today in Weather History
13- Today’s Forecast
14- Yesterday’s Weather
14- Today’s Weather Info
14- National Weather Map
15- Daily Devotional
16- News from the Associated Press
Of cial Notices
Frederick Town (updated 7-18) Brown County Book (Updated 7-16) Groton City Book (updated 7-11) Groton Area School Book
Other Of cial Notices Book Claremont Town Of cial Notices Book Frederick Area School Book
Open: Recycling Trailer in Groton The recycling trailer is located at 10 East Rail-
road Ave.
The cardboard/paper
recycling trailer at the school is Open © 2017 Groton Daily Independent

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