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factory ever built, a testament to human  countryside to draw labor from. The   of the sun, but by the clock. Instead of
        ambition, problem solving and creativ-  women tended to be young, unmar-  spending the day with a relatively small
        ity. Another Ford plant, Highland Park,  ried, well educated and used to doing   number of friends and family members,
        where the workforce numbered 55,300,  hard work. Additionally, to the mill   the factory worker interacted in some
        seemed small by comparison.        owners’ liking, they also were a revolv-  form with thousands of strangers. The
                                           ing labor force. If and when they   ability to do highly structured, largely
        Freeman treats at length the prominent
        role of women in factories, especially   became unhappy or economic condi-  repetitive work, often in harsh condi-
        after concentrated manufacturing made   tions deteriorated, they could return to   tions and for low pay, became prized.
        the leap from the “old” England to the   their families rather than staying nearby  In 1914, Henry Ford’s assembly line
        “new.” European writers visiting New   and fomenting discontent and disorder.  reduced the time needed to assemble
        England textile centers such as Lowell   Paternalistic mill owners did their    a car from twelve and half hours to
        in the mid-nineteenth century were   best to provide morally uplifting and    ninety-three minutes, but also lead to
        often struck by the sharp contrast of   culturally enlightening environments,   a nervous condition that employees
        the soot-belching urban factories in   with some mills even publishing   labeled “Forditis,” as well as a stagger-
                                                                               ing employee turnover rate of 370%.

                                                                               Factory work proved more physically
             The United States lost nearly five                                and psychologically demanding than
                                                                               other types of labor. A “desirable”
             million factory jobs between                                      worker was no longer one with deep

             2000 and 2016. In 1970, more                                      knowledge and a mastery of a craft, but
                                                                               one possessing speed, manual dexterity
             than a quarter of U.S. employees                                  and endurance. This shift in how work
                                                                               was done and the required attributes
             worked in manufacturing.                                          of those doing it may have reached
                                                                               its apotheosis in Frederick Winslow
             By 2010, only 1 in 10 did.                                        Taylor’s “Scientific Management,”
                                                                               which posited that there was “one best
                                                                               way” to do a job. Workers’ autonomy
                                                                               was reduced, and more cognitively
        English cities such as Lancashire and   journals of poetry and fiction and host-  demanding tasks such as work plan-
        Manchester. In Society, Manners and   ing lectures. For these workers, the mill   ning and coordination became strictly
        Politics in the United States: Being a Series   gave them an opportunity prior to    the province of management. Contrast
        of Letters on North America, Michael   marriage to broaden their perspec-  this approach with what contempo-
        Chevalier, a French political economist,  tives, lead a more cosmopolitan and   rary management scholarship counsels
        described manufacturing as “the canker  independent life, and to assist them-  regarding increasing work motivation
        of England,” while he found the sight   selves and their families financially.   and job satisfaction—paying workers
        of Lowell to be “new and fresh like an   Unfortunately, jobs in the mills were   equitably and giving them a sense of
        opera scene.” Freeman informs us that   strictly segregated by sex, with women   autonomy, purpose, and progress.
        in some New England mills, women   holding almost all of the jobs involving
        constituted 85% of the workforce. As   operating machinery, and men doing
        a point of comparison, today across   all of the construction and holding all
        the United States women account for   of the management positions.
        29% of manufacturing employment.   Freeman also shows how the shift from
        Mill owners in New England largely   an agrarian economy to a manufactur-
        recruited young women from farms as   ing economy impacted the nature and
        a workforce due to a paucity of alter-  meaning of work. The physical condi-
        natives. Owners sought to avoid the   tions, organization and the required
        social disapproval that accompanied   competencies of employees in a factory
        the wholesale employment of children.   differed drastically from those on a   Todd Harris is Assistant Professor in the
        Contrary to Britain, New England   farm. For example, for the first time, an   Department of Management.
        did not have large numbers of urban   employee’s schedule was dictated not
        male workers or an over-populated
                                           by the seasons and the rising and setting

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