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          to Editor’s Notebook:
          Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your Editor’s Notebook—Brought back some interesting smell-scape memories …
          One from my first interview at BSC … walked by the painting studio and immediately thought “I am at home here.” The terps. and linseed
          oil smell wafted out of the painting studio … ahhhhh did love it although a few years later the department decided that we should use the
          environmentally more friendly acrylic paint.
          The other scent scape (not so nice) prominent memory was of the dumpster just below my office window in Tilly. Swapped for another
          office and lucky Roger Dunn got that one.

                 -  Professor Dorothy Pulsifer
                  Department of Art

          Bridgewater Review encourages feedback and welcomes all comments from its readers.

          Call for Submissions
          Bridgewater Review invites submissions from full- and part-time faculty   assistance with revision and in polished pieces that are publication-ready.
          members and librarians, and others in the BSU community. Bridgewater   All submissions will be reviewed, but there is no guarantee that submitted
          Review is published twice yearly by the faculty and librarians of   work will be published.
          Bridgewater State University. It provides a forum for campus-wide
          conversations pertaining to research, teaching, and creative expression,    Bridgewater Review also welcomes Letters to the Editor with the hope
          as well as a showcase for faculty art. Articles in all disciplines and    that BR may become a locus for community discussion at Bridgewater
          genres are welcome and encouraged, including scholarship about    State University.
          research interests and trends, scholarship about teaching and learning,
          creative writing, and short reviews of other publications.    Submissions should be sent electronically to:
                                                            Andrew Holman
          Articles should be 1700-2200 words in length, though shorter articles    Editor,
          will also be considered. Creative writing can be submitted at lengths   Bridgewater Review
          briefer than 2200 words. Those wishing to submit are asked to consult
          the Bridgewater Review submission guidelines (available from the Editor).   Articles published in Bridgewater Review may be reprinted with
          In keeping with the founding spirit of our faculty magazine, the editors are   permission of the Editor.
          equally interested in unfinished pieces of writing that may need
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