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Dignity, Justice and Real


        Jeanne Ingle

        Derrick Darby and John L. Rury, The Color of

        Mind: Why the Origins of the Achievement Gap
        Matter for Justice (Chicago: University of Chicago
        Press, 2018).

                 he Color of Mind is a gift to educators and
                 future educators who seek to understand
      T inequality in our schools and the persistence

        of institutional racism. Teachers work hard. Teachers
        in inner city schools work exceptionally hard, 50-
        60 hours per week on average. To work so hard and

        to see your students not achieve on standardized                      create extensive illustrations of what-
        tests is extremely frustrat ing, but the day-to-day                   ever book we were reading in class; he
                                                                              made a series of drawings depicting
        achievements are amazing, invigorating, and what                      what the Titanic might look like if built
        makes it all worthwhile. I know this because I was an                 today, including a gaming room, bas-
        inner-city teacher and I have had experiences just like               ketball court, and a minutely detailed
                                                                              food court. How does this creativity
        those highlighted in Darby and Rury’s book.                           and life experience get measured in our
                                                                              current system of achievement testing?
        Sebastian came to my fourth grade   Sebastian had only been in his room   Short answer: it doesn’t.
        classroom in the second half of the   for three months – Sebastian’s fam-
        school year. He was bright, creative,   ily was in crisis. In Sebastian’s second   As a former inner-city teacher, I found
        and extremely impulsive. On his first   week in my class we began four days of   The Color of Mind neither easy to read
        day of school we were prepping for the   standardized testing that would have   nor shocking in its revelations. Racism
        high stakes state testing that my stu-  multiple implications for Sebastian, our   is old and deeply entrenched in Western
        dents would begin the following week.   school, our school district, and me.   culture. “The Color of Mind” is a
        He had a rocky first week, and I spent a   Fast forward to the following sum-  term Darby and Rury use to describe
        lot of time on the phone with his mom   mer when I received Sebastian’s scores   the “construction of racial differences
        discussing his needs, his past perfor-  (that’s right, teachers don’t often get   in intellect, character and conduct,
        mance, and anything else I might need   their students’ standardized scores for   … and its role in establishing racial
        to know. I found out that Sebastian and   months following the actual testing).   inequality of educational opportunities
        his family had recently been evicted,   Unsurprisingly, Sebastian did poorly   and other opportunity gaps, has had a
        that they had moved across the state to   in almost every area. Not because of   profound impact in shaping the racial
        live with an aunt, and that his mom was   Sebastian, but because we had so many   achievement gap” (142). The Color
        trying to leave an abusive relationship   children like Sebastian, our test scores   of Mind is a systematic racist view of
        behind. I also found out that Sebastian   as a school and as a district were also   black people’s intelligence, perfor-
        was a wonderful artist, a significantly   poor. Five years after Sebastian left my   mance and abilities. It is not a new
        below-grade-level reader, and a pretty   classroom, the school district continues   view invented by white supremacists,
        strong student in math. He was also   to fail.                        the KKK, or even Southern slavehold-
        funny, sweet, and harbored an explosive                               ers. The Color of Mind is as old as the
        temper. You might be wondering if I   Sebastian was complicated, but also a   first European/African encounters
        spoke with Sebastian’s former teacher. I   delight to work with. He loved draw-  and is well articulated in the work of
        did, but he couldn’t help me much since  ing, especially cartooning. He would   Kant, Hume, and Thomas Jefferson.

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