Page 16 - TPM Newsletter JAN 2020
P. 16

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                 January 2020

                              TPM Scholarship Program

        TPM not only off ers an
        array of services, but one
        of our most important
        programs is to assist
        individuals seeking to
        further their educa  on.
                                                  GET READY FOR YOUR FUTURET READY FOR YOUR FUTURE
        TPM’s Scholarship Fund now
        off ers two opportuni  es for

           1.  If you are a dependent or employee of a member company, pursuing higher educa  on, and plan on working
               within the wood products industry upon gradua  on, there are mul  ple year scholarships available.

           2.  If you are a dependent or employee of a member company, pursuing higher educa  on, and plan on
               working in a profession outside the wood products industry, there are one year scholarships available.

                                                                                        To apply for a scholarship;
                                                                                        please go to the TPM
                                                                                        website and follow
                                                                                        the instruc  ons (www.
                        LEARN HOW TO SUCCEEDTO SUCCEED                                  under Add-On Services).
                        LEARN HOW
                                                                                        All applica  ons must be
                                                                                        submi  ed either by mail or
        email to the TPM offi  ce by January 31  of the year leading up to the start of the fall semester.
        The TPM scholarship Fund is supported by the membership and its partners.  If you would like to contribute,
        please contact the TPM offi  ce.   The annual summer golf tournament is the exclusive fundraiser for the TPM
        Scholarship Fund.

        Your contribu  on is another
        way to help support the next
        genera  on working in the wood
        products industry.
                                                       INVESTING IN EDUCA
                                                       INVESTING IN EDUCATIONTION

                                                          APPLICATION DEADLINE

                                                                                 January 31, 2020

        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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