Page 15 - TPM Newsletter JAN 2020
P. 15

January 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                             15


        The start of a new year is the perfect   me
        to freshen up life goals and look forward to
        making posi  ve changes. Whether looking
        to create new goals or for support to achieve
        success in specifi c areas, here are fi ve things
        to examine and work on for your “New You
        Resolu  on!”

        Build Be  er Rela  onships
        From marriage and family to friends
        and colleagues, there is always room to
        strengthen communica  on and connec  on. If a
        specifi c rela  onship is challenging, turn to an EAP    Prac  ce Be  er Self-Care
        or professional counsellor for confi den  al, clinical   Boost well-being—mind, body and spirit—Healthy
        support in building healthier rela  onships.
                                                                living begins with a healthy mindset, values and
        Boost Financial Wellness                                goals. One specifi c strategy for self-care and healthier
        Making smarter fi nancial decisions begins with          living is to incorporate just 20 minutes per day to
        awareness and educa  on. Whatever the need,             your well being. Things like yoga or stretching for 20
        from tax advice or credit issues, to will prepara  on   minutes are a sure beginning of a new you. Laugh out
        and college savings plans, consult a fi nancial          loud, de-clu  er, cuddle with a favorite cuddler, and
        counsellor, your credit union/bank or look on line for   add more fruits and vegetables to your diet!
        professional help. If your company has an employee      Create a Roadmap for Life Goals
        assistance program, that would be a great place to
                                                                For anyone seeking personal or professional
                                                                empowerment, the fi rst step may be to list your
        Stress Less                                             passions, i.e. those things which you love most,
        While a certain amount of stress is normal and even     which are most important to you, which are most
        healthy, chronic high stress can wreak havoc on         cri  cal to your happiness and well-being. When
        health, rela  onships and every aspect of life. If this is   your passions are clear, then you can create goals
        the year to fi nally tackle stress and feel be  er inside   and create a roadmap to achieve life goals. Don’t be
        and out try these   ps:                                 afraid to pursue professional help. Let the journey
        •   Keep a posi  ve a   tude.
        •   Accept that there are events that you cannot
            control.                                                  If you have been considering the addi  on
        •   Be asser  ve instead of aggressive.                          of an Employee Assistance Program
        •   Learn and prac  ce relaxa  on techniques;                 (EAP) to your employee benefi ts package,
            try medita  on, yoga, or tai-chi for stress
                                                                      contact the TPM Offi  ce to learn about the
        •   Exercise regularly.                                         TPM EAP and how easy it is to enroll.
        •   Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.                                  877-535-4646

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