Page 11 - TPM Newsletter JAN 2020
P. 11
January 2020 11
Continued From page 10
V Individual personal records (i.e., qualifi ca ons, promo on,
SEPARATE FILES—MAKE INDIVIDUAL 3 RING BINDERS bonus, termina on, discipline; 1 year from date of ac on)
V Form I-9 documenta on of iden ty and employment V Employment test and physical exams
eligibility verifi ca on 2 YEARS
V EEO data informa on V Documenta on on which wage computa ons are
V Invita on to iden fy – disabled or veterans status based: Time cards (a endance records), wage diff eren al
documenta on (includes wage rates, job evalua ons, job
FEDERAL RECORDKEEPING GUIDELINES descrip ons, merit & seniority systems, etc.)
3 YEARS (or be able to reconstruct the data for that time period) V Job applica ons – hires (employee termina on + 3 years)
V 1094-B, Transmi al of Health Coverage Informa on V Employee evalua ons
Returns, V Payroll records (includes payday records, wages paid, age, address,
V 1099-B, Health Coverage, date of birth, occupa on, rate of pay, etc.)
V 1094-C, Transmi al of Employer-Provided Health V Employment eligibility Form I-9 (or 1 year a er date of
Insurance Off er and Coverage Informa on Returns, and termina on; whichever is longer)
V 1095-C, Employer-Provided Health Insurance Off er and V Family leave documenta on (FMLA) (3 years a er leave ends)
Coverage 4 YEARS
V Employee Informa on (Name, Social Security number, home
EMPLOYER INFORMATION address, date of birth, sex, occupa on, me and date that the work
1 YEAR week begins, regular hourly pay rate, hours worked each week, total
V No ces of job openings, over me work & training daily/weekly straight- me earnings, weekly over me earnings, total
programs submi ed to labor organiza ons 5 YEARS wages paid each pay period)
V Supplemental wage and hour records V Appren ceship records
V Appren ceship programs (2 years or program dura on, V DOT and Drug & Alcohol tes ng records (includes posi ve
whichever is longer - 4 years recommended) test results, refusals to test, equipment calibra on, etc.)
V Environmental Protec on Agency (EPA) records 6 YEARS
V ADA & rehabilita on employment or personnel records V Equal Employment Opportunity Forms
V Most recent copy EEO-1 report V Employment and contractor agreements (includes
non-competes, non-disclosures, agreements for temporary labor,
V Most recent copy Vets 100 report
independent contractors, consultants, etc.)
V Employee tax & compensa on records (i.e., pay records, UNTIL FINAL DISPOSITION
6 YEARS V Personnel records (relevant to charges of discrimina on fi led with
agency federal, state or local administra on)
V Reports for PCBs from employer-owned transformers V Records rela ve to legal ac ons
and capacitors (not sent to EPA)
V Wri en Affi rma ve Ac on Programs (AAPs) 3 YEARS
BUSINESS RECORDS V Family and Medical Leave Act (related informa on specifi c to
3 YEARS 5 YEARS employee’s leave)
V Sales and purchase records V Workers’ compensa on claims and records (Ac ve + 5
V Orders, shipping and billing records years)
INDEFINITELY V On-the-job injuries and illness (OSHA Form 300, 301 & 301A)
V Sarbanes-Oxley (records relevant to legal ac ons once DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT PLUS 30 YEARS
i n v e s ga on begins) V Toxic substance exposure records, medical records or
CHILD LABOR RECORDS (employment of minors) analysis of both
UNTIL EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION V Medical examina ons used for employment
V Cer fi cate of age V Bloodborne pathogen exposure records
NOT SPECIFIED V Audiometric tests
V General minors records (i.e., name, Social Security number, V Pulmonary func on screens
home address, date of birth, sex, job descrip on, me and payroll
records, date of employment and any other records pertaining to COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS & EMPLOYEE
employment of minors) BENEFIT PLANS
V Permits, no ces, cer fi cates (to work and to employ) ACTIVE + 6 YEARS
V Disclosure material – ERISA plan
1 YEAR V Employee benefi t plans (includes benefi t, re rement, ERISA and
pension plans, and records rela ng to the administra on thereof)
V Job applica ons – rejected (current year + 1 year) 7 YEARS
V Job adver sements/job orders submi ed to V Collec ve bargaining agreements, plans, trusts and
employment agencies
individual contracts
Timber Products Manufacturers Associa on