Page 9 - TPM Newsletter JAN 2020
P. 9

January 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
        Continued from page 8
        There are many ways to decide on which   mber harves  ng methods a
        landowner should use. This en  re process begins with learning what the
        goals are for the land. JLC’s   mber cruisers will check the density and
        quality of trees. This includes assessing the health of the land’s ecosystem.
        Knowing as much as possible regarding an owner’s purpose for the land
        allows JLC experts to guide the work and assure the best possible care for
        the land’s improvement from beginning to end.
        JLC will provide the greatest economic and environmental benefi t. The
        varied approach to tree farming is built around growing an owner’s
        investment, by improving the long-term health of the forest, this
        tandem strategy is key to increasing   mber yields and the health of the
        JLC believes trees are valuable and through guided   mber harves  ng,
        owners get the best value for the harvest and an improved forest. JLC has
        spent decades learning how the   mber industry works in the Puget Sound
        region. Its loggers are trained to fi nd the best value for an owner’s land.

                                                                                In October, JLC  had its fi rst snow of the season!
                                                             harves  ng                Ready or not here it comes.
                                                             starts by
                                                             visi  ng the property to determine what   mber is available.
                                                             Walking the land provides valuable informa  on such as
                                                             assessing   mber prices based on size, species, and the volume.
                                                             This informa  on can help an owner make the decision for an
                                                             immediate revenue boost, develop long-term plans, and/or
                                                             focus solely on the land’s health.

                                                             Timber harves  ng starts with permit processing. JLC has worked
                                                             with Washington State’s Department of Natural Resources
                                                             for decades, so permits get processed fast. Being competent
                                                             when dealing with permi   ng means owners spend less   me
         JLC prac  ces harves  ng   mber in a sustainable fashion, maintaining a clean   and money wai  ng and are kept in the loop during the en  re
         environment and abiding by all environmental standards of the SFI program.   process.

        Based out of Sedro-Woolley, Washington, along the banks of the
        mighty Skagit River, JLC is a fourth-genera  on expert in forest
        stewardship, specializing in green forestry projects (which u  lize
        advanced logging techniques) to improve overall ecosystem
        health. Beyond logging, JLC has a thriving construc  on division
        which focuses on road and bridge construc  on, habitat
        restora  on, land clearing, grading, and excava  on and also
        manages over 3000 acres of family owned tree farms. JLC
        considers itself to be a goodwill ambassador for sustainable
        forestry prac  ces – no one cares more about the forest than a

                                                                   Road and bridge construc  on improves forest access and helps protect the
                                                                   environment. This project protects the salmon spawning stream it crosses.

                              Janicki Logging & Construc  on Co., Inc. can be reached at: Phone 360.856.2068
                                       103 N Township Street, Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284
                                                 h  ps://

        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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