Page 7 - TPM Newsletter JAN 2020
P. 7

January 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                              7

        Scissor Li  —Inspec  on Checklist

                                                 A common piece of equipment in many workplaces is the scissor li  . A key
                                                 step in protec  ng workers is to have them inspect the scissor li   prior to
                                                 using it.
                                                 Inspec  on
                                                 Since each manufacturer’s scissor li   is diff erent, employees should always
                                                 use the manufacturer’s pre-opera  onal inspec  on checklist.
                                                 However, for training purposes, use the following generic checklist that
                                                 covers most of the major inspec  on areas:

        Remember, that this is a generic checklist.
        Employees should always follow the
        manufacturer’s recommenda  ons for pre-
        opera  onal inspec  on if it is available.

        Stabiliza  on
        Employers should ensure that scissor
        li  s are stable and will not   p over or
        collapse. Some safe work prac  ces to
        ensure safe, stable condi  ons for scissor li   use include:
        •  Follow the manufacturer’s instruc  ons for safe movement—this usually rules out moving the li   in an elevated
            posi  on.
        •  Isolate the scissor li   or implement traffi  c control measures to ensure that other equipment cannot contact the
            scissor li  .
        •  Select work loca  ons with fi rm, level surfaces away from hazards that can cause instability (e.g., dropoff s, holes,
            slopes, bumps, ground obstruc  ons, or debris).

        •  Use the scissor li   outside only when weather condi  ons are good. Scissor li  s rated for outdoor use are generally
            limited to wind speeds below 28 miles per hour.

        Take it Out of Service
        If the scissor li   is found to be defec  ve or if it doesn’t func  on properly, it must be taken out of service un  l a qualifi ed
        person inspects and repairs it. To prevent others from using the li  , it should be locked out and tagged with a sign
        indica  ng it is not fi t for use.
        Manufacturer’s Recommenda  ons
        Follow the manufacturer’s recommenda  ons for maintenance and service at the intervals recommended by the
        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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