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P. 2
2 November 2019
From the President ... Secretary of Labor Comments on Jobs Report
This last week I a ended a training U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia issued the following
mee ng in Oakland, California. During statement on the October 2019 Employment Situa on
the mee ng an emergency fi re alarm report:
went off and everyone had to exit the
building. There were probably 500 “Signifi cantly exceeding expecta ons, the U.S. economy
plus people who exited the building added 128,000 new jobs in October. An addi onal 95,000
and congregated in a common park jobs in upward revisions for August and September show
approximately four blocks away from a stronger labor market than previously reported.”
the Federal Building.
“The unemployment rate remains near a 50-year low.
This event was a real “wake up call”
on the importance of having a good Adam Molenda More than 300,000 Americans entered the labor force in
disaster plan with steps in place to President October, leading to a slight up ck of the unemployment
make sure that everyone is accounted rate to 3.6%. This marks the twen eth consecu ve
for. This scenario would have been problema c if there had month in which the unemployment rate has been at or
been an actual emergency because as all the groups gathered below 4%. It is also encouraging to see another record
in the common park, the leaders of each fl oor did not account low unemployment rate for African-Americans.”
for all the people who exited the building. Some group leaders
had signs with numbers where their groups met while others “Once again, Americans are receiving more money in
just waited to fi nd out if there was truly an emergency or if it their paychecks, as year-over-year wage growth rose by
was a drill. There was no communica on to the people who 3.0%. Wages have grown at or above 3.0% for 15 straight
had evacuated, just a few supervisors who were carrying around months, including September’s increased revision.”
handheld radios. Everyone else just stood around or le the
park and went to the local coff ee shop for a cup of coff ee. As we
all do, we waited for someone to just start walking back to the
building, not really knowing if an “All Clear” had been given.
Quick Refresh: Family and Medical Leave Act
This situa on reminded me that it is very important to have
prac ce drills with a disaster plan and to make sure everyone Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) covered employers
is accounted for. If there truly would have been an emergency, must grant eligible employees up to a total of 12
nobody knew if someone was s ll in the building or if they were workweeks of unpaid job-protected leave during any
at Starbucks.
12-month period for the following reasons:
The most important thing to remember in a disaster drill is to The birth and care of the newborn child of the
get everyone out to a central loca on and keep them there V
un l everyone is accounted for, so we protect the lives of all the employee
individuals. The next step is to communicate what is going on V The placement with the employee of a son or
and when it is OK to reenter the building. Once the all clear daughter for adop on or foster care
has been given and everyone reenters their workspace, having
a quick debriefi ng on how the disaster drill could be improved V To care for an immediate family member (spouse,
is vital. Whether it is by department or loca on, a supervi- child, or parent) with a serious health condi on
sor needs to discuss how improvement to the process can be V To take medical leave when the employee is unable
achieved. to work because of a serious health condi on
When a true emergency occurs, there will be chaos but through In addi on, eligible employees of covered employers are
good communica on there will be a be er chance that there allowed to take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave
isn’t a loss of lives. in the applicable 12-month period to address certain
qualifying exigencies arising out of the fact that the
The Newsle er is not intended nor designed to off er legal advice. eligible employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent
For addi onal informa on about Newsle er topics, please is a covered military member on ac ve duty, or has
contact TPM. Annual subscrip on price $195.
been no fi ed of an impending call or order to ac ve
© 2019 TPM - Timber Products Manufacturers Associa on
duty, in the Na onal Guard or Reserves, in support
951 East Third Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 of a con ngency opera on. The amendments also
Phone: (509) 535-4646 allow eligible employees to take up to 26 weeks of job
Toll Free: (877) 535-4646 protected leave during a single 12-month period to care
for a covered service member with a serious injury or
illness incurred in the line of duty on ac ve duty.
Timber Products Manufacturers Associa on