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P. 7

November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                              7

        Hearing Conserva  on                                                  Hearing Conserva  on Exposure Levels Over an 8-Hour Exposure

                                                                     If Sound Level Is  These Requirements Apply  Applies To
        Noise control is one of the OSHA Standards that has been   Under 85 Decibels  1. Sample the noise level  Any persons in the work area
        in place since the beginning of OSHA regula  on. The                      2. Under 85 dBA, no action.  where noise is generated.
                                                                 Over 85 Decibels  1. Annual Hearing Test  All persons who are exposed at
        purpose of the standard is to control noise exposures                     2. Provide hearing protective   85 dBA and above.
        so that employees don’t lose their hearing as a result of                 equipment and train employees
                                                                                  in proper use.
        industrial exposure. There are very simple requirements
                                                                 Over 90 Decibels  1. All of the above  Equipment location where
        that are easy to follow.                                                  2. Evaluate for feasible   persons are exposed at 90 dBA
                                                                                  engineering controls such as   and above.
                                                                                  isolation or insulation.
        Basics of Sound
                                                                 Over 115 Decibels  1. All of the above  All areas where noise levels are
        You can hear sounds because                                               2. Post signs warning of high   115 dBA and above.
        your inner ear sends signals                                              noise areas.
                                                                                  3. Implement job rotation.
        to the brain. The inner ear has
        thousands of   ny “sensory hairs”                        The Hearing Conserva  on chart above shows the basic
        within it. When NOISE is detected,                       ac  on required at four diff erent sound levels. First, the
        the “sensory hairs” vibrate, and                         noise must be sampled to determine what decibels the
                                         Inner hair cells transmit to
        send a signal to your brain. If the   nerve endings that send the   area produces over an eight-hour period. IF the sound
        hairs vibrate too much, they can   message to the brain.  level is UNDER 85 decibels, no requirements apply. If
        be damaged.  If that happens, it can be temporary, or    the reading is between 85 and 90 decibels, the aff ected
        permanent. That’s why we have to LIMIT industrial noise   persons must receive an annual hearing test and receive
        exposure!                                                training on how to properly use HEARING PROTECTIVE
                                                                 EQUIPMENT (HPE). At 90 decibels and above, the
        Measuring Sound                                          company must look at prac  cal ways of isola  ng or
        When a SOUND LEVEL METER is used, it’s used to           insula  ng noise from or at the work sta  ons. An example
        measure how much noise is at a par  cular area. When     of that would be noise isola  on or insula  on at a planer
        a NOISE DOSIMETER is used, it measures how much          room, or at an operator control booth when lumber or
        noise you are exposed to while at your work area. The    logs are cut. FINALLY, job rota  on if noise is at or above
        measurement is a unit of intensity, called a DECIBEL,    115 decibels. The company must post HIGH NOISE area
        abbreviated as dBA.
                                                                 warning signs.

                                                                               Types of Hearing Protec  on
                                                                               The two major types of Hearing
                                                                               Protec  ve Equipment (HPE) are ear plugs
                                                                               and ear muff s. Some types of ear plugs
                                                                               have cords on the ends, and some don’t.
                                                                               When these devices are used, the noise
                                                                               that reaches your inner ear is reduced.
                                                                               Some  mes, you might see the words
                                                                               Noise Reduc  on Ra  ng (NRR) on the
                                                                               product container. For example an NRR
                                                                               of 22, means that whatever the NOISE
                                                                               level is, it’s REDUCED by that number. If
                                                                               you’re exposed to 92 decibels, and the
                                                                               NRR is 22, you actually get exposed to
                                                                               (92-22=70) 70 decibels. And that number
                                                                               is BELOW 85, which is what is required.

        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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