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November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
        Continued from page 8
        in a small way at their home in Post Falls, Idaho.
        From 1997 to 2003 Syd and Julie occasionally built
        a new spec StanCra   and few custom orders while
        enjoying their semi-re  red life.

        Third Genera  on
        The current and third genera  on of StanCra   started
        in 2003 when Robb and Amy Bloem moved back to
        Idaho a  er being away for 12 years. They came back
        with the intent to start a new era in the wooden boat
        building world. The ini  al project started with three
                                                                    While the fi nishing process is taking place the rigging and the electrical
        guys in a 2,000 square foot shop in Syd and Julie’s        components, hundreds of feet of wire, the engine(s), drives, and fuel system
        backyard. Syd Young, Tom Baldwin and Robb Bloem                                are installed.

                                                                  set forth building some new boats on “spec.” Amy
                                                                  and Julie manned the offi  ce, in the house, all while
                                                                  watching the new edi  on and 4th genera  on, River
                                                                  Bloem who was born in January of 2003. A  er a year
                                                                  or so of work in the backyard it was   me to move out
                                                                  and into the Post Falls, Idaho loca  on. “We went from
                                                                  2,000 to 8,400 square feet thinking that would last us
                                                                  another genera  on. Soon therea  er we built another
                                                                  8,400 square foot building on the same property
                                                                  for boat storage. Within a year we converted that
                                                                  building to manufacturing giving us just under 17,000
                                                                  square feet to work with. During that same   me, we
         StanCra  s are just as beau  ful on the inside as the outside, with mahogany
             decking, shelving and upholstery. The interiors are magnifi cent.

        started building our Hayden storage facili  es,” said
        Robb. A  er 10 years, the new corporate headquarters
        and manufacturing facility provides just under 45,000
        square feet of manufacturing and over 168,000 square
        feet of storage and service facili  es. In February of
        2016 StanCra   moved into its corporate headquarters.
        StanCra   has built over 150 new large custom
        mahogany boats, 30 of the Li  le Boat series, and over
        75 Pontoon Edi  ons. The new facility will allow for
        another decade of growth and property around them to
                                                                  No boat leaves before its   me, StanCra   preforms a minimum of six hours of
        The company has a dealership in Coeur d’Alene, ID that         tests: to dial in systems, tune the props, and check the engines.
        represent such brands as; MasterCra  , Formula, Chris
        Cra  , Manitou, Premier, MB Boats, and mul  ple other
        “Our pride in cra  smanship and pursuit of perfec  on will con  nue for genera  ons. We are very
        excited for the future of StanCra   as the worldwide recogni  on of the brand con  nues to grow!”

                                                                                            Robb and Amy Bloem

                                     StanCra   Boat Company can be reached : Phone 208.457.8000
                                            2936 W Dakota Avenue, Hayden, Idaho 83854
                                                   h  ps://stancra
        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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