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8                                                                                                                                                                                                               November 2019
        StanCra   Boat Company

                                                                                               Featured   Member
          Located in Hayden, Idaho                                                   TPM Member Since November 2019

        First Genera  on
        StanCra   Wooden Boat Company was founded back in
        1933 by W.H. “Billy” Young and his son Stanley C. Young.
        Stanley later married Delores and had three children
        Joyce, Syd and Bruce. The company was originally
        built on the shores of Caroline Point, Flathead Lake
        in Lakeside, Montana. It was Flathead Lakes fi rst boat
        building factory. A regional builder, Stan created some
        of the most iconic designs in boa  ng history. The 22ʹ
        Torpedo in 1945 was a true head turner for the   me.      A  er the design is fi nished, with the perfect rendering, it’s   me to create the
                                                                              drawings. The blueprints for the builders.

                                                                 Second Genera  on
                                                                 The business was purchased by Stanley’s oldest son
                                                                 Sydney (Syd) H. Young and his wife Julie  e (Julie) in

                                                                 As Syd took over the helm, he took the company into
                                                                 the age of fi berglass. Crea  ng models like the 260
                                                                 Norwester, the 19ʹ Veruna and the day cruisers. 100’s
                                                                 of the 260 Norwester can s  ll be found fi shings the
                                                                 coasts of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California and
                                                                 on Lake Coeur d’ Alene. In the early 1980’s Syd & Julie
         The blueprints are used to cut the frames and a  ach them to the keel. Every   and their two daughters Sydney and Amy moved the
         piece is mechanically a  ached with a #10 stainless steel screw and bonded
                          with a 5200 adhesive.                  company to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. A  er the movie
        “On Golden Pond” came out in 1981, Syd will tell you
        the classic wooden boat revolu  on was started. Syd is
        credited with re-fi nishing and really bringing back to
        life over 250 Centuries, as well as countless Chris Cra  s,
        Garwoods, Rivas, and any other brand of wooden boat
        brought to him in the 80s and 90s. Syd and Julie created
        an incredible business of restora  on, storage, service
        and of course producing some  me one, and some  mes
        fi ve custom wooden StanCra  s per year. One of Syd’s
        main focuses in the late 1990s became redesigning boat

                                                                  There are many ways to build a boat, but for the past 83 years StanCra   has
                                                                  used the plank on frame process. It is a tried and true process and gives the
                                                                              hull an incredible amount of strength.
                                                                 bo  oms to achieve be  er performance and provide
                                                                 a more enjoyable ride. Syd’s design contribu  ons
                                                                 completely changed the future of StanCra   with their
                                                                 so  , and most importantly level rides. In 1997 Syd
                                                                 and Julie sold The Boat Shop to Duane Hagadone. The
                                                                 excep  on being the name and brand StanCra  . They
                                                                 sold all the property, service, storage, and restora  on
                                                                 businesses but kept the family heritage intact and
           Once the hull is completed, it is moved to the top side shop, where the
          remaining wood work, deck planking, seat frames and fl oors are installed.  allowed Syd and Julie to con  nue the family business
                                                                                                     Continued on Next Page
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