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November 2019 5
Free Timesheet App from the DOL: Track Your Hours
The DOL-Timesheet App just got an upgrade! Employees
and employers can keep accurate records of hours on the
job. The DOL-Timesheet App helps track regular work
hours, break me, and over me hours. The new version
of the app also enhances the comments capability, off ers
TPM U is an educa onal series provided to TPM members free of
mul ple pay frequency op ons, and addi onal pay charge. For more informa on or to register for one of these classes,
calcula ons. please go to the TPM website’s “Membership” Tab (h p://www.
mberassocia or call (877) 535-4646. Registra on is
Features: limited to 50 computers per webinar.
V Employer and employee op ons
Ergonomics 3 – Finding & Implemen ng
V More calcula on func ons Solu ons to Ergonomic Issues
V Track hours worked Wednesday, November 20, 2019 1:30 PM (PST)
Do you have an ergonomics improvement process that is
V New iOS features
improving produc vity and product quality while at the
same me reducing injury risk and preven ng costly MSDs?
Download the DOL-Timesheet App free of charge from
Can you prove it through careful evalua on?
the Apple App Store - h ps://
Are your employees engaged and fully commi ed to health
Order a printable work hours calendar (available in and safety? Do they believe management cares about them
enough to make improvements to their worksta on and
English and Spanish) - h ps:// promote their health and well-being?
Presenta on/Default.aspx
This webinar will help you to:
Wage and Hour Division: • Learn the principles of ergonomics and their
applica ons.
V h p://
• Learn about the proper use of equipment, tools, and
V For more informa on about federal wage laws or to machine controls.
order a calendar by mail, call the division’s toll-free • Use good work prac ces, including proper li ing
helpline at 1-866-4US-WAGE (487-9243) • techniques.
Become more aware of work tasks that may lead to
pain or injury.
Disclaimer: DOL is providing this app as a public service.
The regula ons and related materials refl ected in this Can Injury Repor ng Improve Your Safety
app are intended to enhance public access to informa on Culture?
on DOL programs. This app is a service that is con nually Wednesday, December 11, 2019 1:30 PM (PST)
under development and it does not include every Achieving and maintaining a culture of accurate injury
possible situa on encountered in the workplace. The repor ng in the workplace can be challenging. Your injury
user should be aware that, while we try to keep the repor ng prac ces and culture can help, or hurt, this eff ort.
Repor ng and handling of injuries must be consistent
informa on mely and accurate, there will o en be a
across the en re enterprise.
delay between offi cial publica on of the materials and
their appearance in or modifi ca on of this app. Further, This webinar will help you to:
Learn what is required, what can work, and what
the conclusions reached by this app rely on the accuracy to avoid to improve injury repor ng and the safety
of the data provided by the user. culture where you work.
• Iden fy how to promote complete and accurate
repor ng of injuries and illnesses to improve your
safety culture.
• Examine what not to do – avoiding retalia on with
Did you change your clock on November 2 your incen ve, disciplinary, and drug tes ng programs.
for the return to standard me? HR Prac oners Guide to Work Rules &
Here is a fun clock ques on:
Employee Conduct
How many mes a day do a clock’s hands Wednesday, December 18, 2019 11:00 AM (PST)
overlap? T 22 T 24 T 12 T 48 This webinar will be an overview of the rights of an
employee and an employer concerning Off -Duty Conduct,
Personal Conduct, Interpersonal Conduct, Poli cal Ac vity,
Incompetence/Negligence, The , Wiretap Act & Stored
Communica ons Act, and Insubordina on.
6:30, 7:35, 8:40, 9:45 and 10:50 twice a day. Which makes 22.
The clock hands approximately overlap at 12:00, 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:25,
Timber Products Manufacturers Associa on