Page 11 - NL NOV 2019.indd
P. 11

November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                             11
        Continued From page 10
                                                                 Failure to Report
        5.  Assess your Management Style                         If you fail to report for work for three (3) consecu  ve
        It’s hard to acknowledge, but one of the more common     shi  s without personal no  fi ca  on, and approval by your
        reasons for employee dissa  sfac  on is management       immediate supervisor or a member of management, The
        style. Could your style be encouraging employees to      Company will consider that you have abandoned your
        harbor grudges or lose morale? Step back and assess      posi  on and voluntarily terminated your employment.
        what you can do diff erently. Is your open door policy
        really that open? Do employees really feel valued? Plan   Excused Absence or Tardy
        on se   ng aside more management   me for your team,     An absence is defi ned here as the failure to report to
        discuss their professional goals, and share your vision for   your designated work shi   at any point of your scheduled
        the con  nued growth of your business and their role in it.    shi  . Tardiness is defi ned here as repor  ng to work but
                                                                 not being at your worksta  on when the shi   begins, ready
        6.  Consider Introducing Incen  ve Plans                 to work, either at the beginning of the day or returning
        While there are no guarantees that you can control       from a break or lunch period.  Leaving work early will be
        absenteeism, ini  a  ves such as incen  ve plans and     treated as an absence.  Employees leaving work without
        programs such as fl ex-  me, wellness programs, and       permission from your supervisor will result in disciplinary
        project comple  on perks, are proven to increase morale   ac  on up to and including discharge.  The following
        and produc  vity. They also send a clear message to your   absences will be excused and will not count against the
        employees that they have a recognized and valuable role   six (6) Excused Absences in a six (6) month period policy:
        to play in your business as a whole.                     military leave, jury duty, funeral leave, approved leave,
                                                                 family medical leave, personal day, family emergency,
        7.  Termina  ng Repeat Off enders
        If you’ve exhausted all these interven  on measures and   vaca  ons and holidays or industrial accidents.
        aren’t seeing improvement, then termina  on may be       All Excused Absences require prior to shi   no  fi ca  on.
        your only op  on. Follow your HR policy to the le  er on   Absences/Tardies that may be considered Excused are:
        this one and refer to the law as it pertains to termina  ng   Sickness/Injury of employee or family member, vehicle
        employees, fi nal pay checks, and more.                   problems, road construc  on, weather and natural
                                                                 disaster.  With proper no  fi ca  on according to this policy,
                                                                 other absences may be considered excused.  Without
        Repor  ng for Work                                       proper no  fi ca  on, any other absences, for any reason,
        Please report for work in suffi  cient   me to be ready to   will be considered unexcused.
        start work promptly at the beginning of the shi  .  You are
        expected to stay at your worksta  on during the working   Unexcused Absences and Tardies
        hours of your shi   except in case of emergency.  If it   Only those absences for which you have properly
        becomes necessary for you to leave work early, you must   no  fi ed your supervisor offi  ce according to this policy
        no  fy your supervisor or the main offi  ce prior to leaving.   will be classifi ed as excused.  All other absences will be
                                                                 unexcused, except in extreme emergencies.
        Absence from Work
        If you fi nd it necessary to be absent from work because   In any six (6) month period, The Company, considers
        of illness or similar cause, it is your responsibility to   three (3) unexcused absences to be excessive and will
        no  fy your supervisor as far in advance of your start   take appropriate correc  ve ac  on as stated below:
          me as is possible.  If you are unable to report to work,   V   The second absence and/or tardiness will result in
        you must no  fy your supervisor or the main offi  ce prior     wri  en no  fi ca  on by your supervisor.
        to the start of your shi   in order for the absence to be
                                                                 V   The third absence and/or tardiness will result in a
        excused.                                                     fi nal wri  en warning and a discussion with your
        It is your responsibility to provide suffi  cient, reasonable
        evidence to support a determina  on of an excused        V   The fourth absence and/or tardiness will result in
        absence.  A doctor’s cer  fi cate may be required before      disciplinary ac  on up to and including discharge.
        returning to work from absences due to injury or illness.    The Company reserves the right when unusual
        Excessive absenteeism will subject you to disciplinary   circumstances surround any employee’s excused or
        ac  on up to and including discharge.  This rule will be   unexcused absences, regardless of whether no  fi ca  on was
        strictly enforced.                                       given, to have the Supervisor and the Personnel Manager
                                                                 review the extenua  ng circumstances and if warranted to
                                                                 take a more or less aggressive disciplinary ac  on.

        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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