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November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
        Continued From page 14                                   been penalized within the previous three years for failure to
        Administra  on/Enforcement                               secure compensa  on are subject to an addi  onal penalty of
        The Idaho Industrial Commission administers the state’s   $500 for the second failure; the penalty rises to $1,000 for
        workers’ compensa  on program. The NCCI establishes      the third and subsequent failures.
        advisory-loss costs for workers’ compensa  on insurers
        in Idaho and, together with the Idaho Department of      For employers that fail to secure compensa  on, their
        Insurance, oversees other aspects of how workers’        injured employee or employee’s dependents can claim
        compensa  on premiums are calculated in the state.       compensa  on plus 10 percent of total compensa  on, and
        Penal  es/Remedies
        Employers that do not secure compensa  on as required are   Employers that do not pay their premium tax within 10
        guilty of a misdemeanor, and are subject to a $2 penalty   days of the due date can be sued by the state for collec  on.
        per day per employee, or $25 per day, whichever is greater,   Every 10 days beyond the ini  al due date in which the
        for the period of noncompliance, up to three years. If the   employer fails to pay the premium tax can result in a
        employer is a corpora  on or limited liability company,   penalty of 10 percent of the amount originally due.
        any offi  cer or employee of the corpora  on or manager or   Employers that willfully misrepresent the amount to be paid
        employee of a limited liability company that had authority   can receive a penalty of 10   mes the diff erence between
        to secure payment but failed to do so is individually guilty   the actual premium and the amount falsely reported.
        of a misdemeanor and can be liable for the fi ne imposed.   Employers that do not properly display and maintain
        Employers that have not secured compensa  on within      the mandatory compliance poster will be guilty of a
        30 days of receiving a no  ce from the commission can    misdemeanor. Employers that fail to keep records of injuries
        be enjoined from carrying on a trade or occupa  on un  l   and occupa  onal diseases as required will be guilty of a
        compensa  on is secured. However, employers that have

         LEGAL BRIEFING                                        Please note that the following is a general outline and not intended to provide specifi c
                                                               recommenda  on for a given factual circumstance. Addi  onally, the law in each state may
                                                               diff er. Please call TPM’s In-House Counsel to discuss how the law is specifi ed in your state.

        Occupa  onal Safety - Dairy Fined $1.85 M

        The Washington Department of Labor and Industries cited   L&I spokesman Frank Ameduri said in a September 24
        Andersen Dairy, Inc. and affi  liate Green Willow Trucking,   email that since June 2018 one employee lost a fi nger while
        located in Ba  le Ground, Washington, for 22 serious     reaching in to clear a jam; another broke a wrist when
        and willful viola  ons, 16 of them arising to the level of   struck by a swing arm while clearing a jam; an employee’s
        “egregious.” The fi ne by the state Department of Labor &   head was struck by a swing arm while underneath a
        Industries is the second-largest ever issued by the agency,   machine; and a worker’s hand was crushed while clearing
        and comes a  er at least 10 serious incidents at the plant   a jam. “We want to stop these preventable amputa  ons
        that resulted in amputa  ons, crushing injuries and broken   and serious injuries,” said Anne Soiza, L&I Assistant Director
        bones over the past six years, offi  cials said.           for the Division of Occupa  onal Safety and Health (OHS)
                                                                 stated. OSH has “explained to the employer how to prevent
        The cita  ons allege that Andersen Dairy, Inc. required   injuries from these hazards in the past and have yet to see
        or allowed “workers to put their limbs or bodies inside   a sustained adop  on of safe procedures on the produc  ons
        machines while they are s  ll opera  ng.” Such cita  ons are   lines.”
        called lockout/tagout viola  ons because employers must
        ensure machines are locked out of mechanical and electrical   Workplace safety is cri  cally important for many reasons,
        energy before employees reach into them (to eff ectuate   including but not limited to those described within
        a necessary outcome such as clearing a jam). There have   this Counsel’s Corner and Legal Brief, such as workers’
        been “at least 10 serious incidents including amputa  ons”   compensa  on rates, L&I and OSHA fi nes, and overall
        in the last six years and “the con  nued failure to adopt   business morale and success. Colt Catlin, TPM A  orney, and
        known and required safe prac  ces is why L&I deemed these   Cole Craven, TPM Safety Director, work closely to provide
        viola  ons egregious.”                                   counsel to TPM Members concerning occupa  onal safety
                                                                 and compliance—please do not hesitate to reach out for

        Timber Products Manufacturers Associa  on
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