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12                                                                                                                                                                                                            November 2019
                                                                                                            Colt Catlin
         COUNSEL’S CORNER                                                                   
                                                                                                          TPM Attorney

        Workers’ Compensa  on Outline Idaho Example

          Please note that the following is a general outline and not intended to provide specifi c recommenda  on for implementa  on of policy. Addi  onally, the law in each
          state may diff er. Please call TPM’s In-House Counsel to discuss what applicable law exists in your state and how to implement legal policy for electronic monitoring
                                                   within and outside the workplace.

        The informa  on provided below is specifi cally for the state   and board members, can elect workers’ compensa  on
        of Idaho and is intended to be used as a representa  ve   coverage. Credit is given for benefi ts paid to employees
        overview of workers’ compensa  on. Please contact TPM In-  under the law of other states. Employees working outside
        House Counsel for this workers’ compensa  on informa  on   of the state are covered if any of the following condi  ons
        as it pertains to your par  cular state. The following topics   exist: The principal place of employment is within the
        concerning workers’ compensa  on are addressed:          state; the work is being performed under a contract made
        V   Covered Employers                                    in the state for work which is not specifi c to another state;
        V   Covered Employees                                    the work is being performed under a contract for work
        V   Assessments/Contribu  ons                            that is localizable to another state, but that state’s workers’
        V   No  fi ca  on Requirements                            compensa  on law is not applicable to the employer; or the
        V   Recordkeeping Requirements                           work is being performed under a contract for work outside
        V   Administra  on/Enforcement                           of the United States or Canada.
        V   Penal  es/Remedies
                                                                 Assessments/Contribu  ons
        Overview                                                 Employers that are not self-insured or that are not part of
        Idaho requires all covered employers to obtain and maintain   a self-insurance associa  on licensed by Idaho for workers’
        insurance for on-the-job injuries and occupa  onal diseases   compensa  on purposes are required to pay premiums to
        that result in total or par  al incapacity or death. Certain   secure workers’ compensa  on coverage for employees.
        employers that establish and maintain alcohol and drug-  Employers that do not self-insure and that are not part
        free workplace programs can qualify for premium rate     of a self-insurance associa  on can acquire workers’
        reduc  ons. Employers obtain workers’ compensa  on       compensa  on coverage in Idaho through a private insurer
        insurance through private insurers or self-insurance     or through the Idaho State Insurance Fund, a company
        programs. Employers also can obtain insurance through the   supervised by the state.
        state insurance fund or the assigned risk pool.
                                                                 The state’s workers’ compensa  on program is funded by
        Covered Employers                                        assessments from insurance companies and self-insured
        All private and public employers with one or more full-   employers.
        or part-  me employees are covered. This summary,
        however, is restricted to the coverage of private employers.   Premium calcula  ons: Workers’ compensa  on premiums
        Employers engaged in exempt occupa  ons can elect        for an Idaho employer generally are calculated by
        coverage by contac  ng the commission. Employee leasing   mul  plying the employer’s applicable gross payroll for
        companies: An employee leasing company is required to    employees in the state by factors representa  ve of risk.
        work with the client to provide workers’ compensa  on for   Addi  onal amounts can be incorporated into employers’
        all workers assigned to the client. The determina  on of who   premiums based on their exposure to certain types of risk.
        will secure liability for the leased workers, be it the leasing   Employers can be eligible for premium discounts if they
        company or the client, must be outlined in the temporary or   fulfi ll the requirements of a discount program established
        professional employer arrangement with the client. If this   by the state or their insurer.
        provision is not specifi ed in the arrangement, the temporary   Employers are assigned at least one job classifi ca  on, also
        or professional employer is obligated to secure liability for
                                                                 known as a risk classifi ca  on, by their insurer that applies
        the workers they lease to clients.
                                                                 to their employees for the purpose of calcula  ng workers’
        Covered Employees                                        compensa  on premiums. If mul  ple job classifi ca  ons are
        All full-  me, part-  me, seasonal, or occasional employees   assigned, employers should determine which employees
        are required to maintain a workers’ compensa  on policy   are covered by the classifi ca  ons. The job classifi ca  ons are
        unless specifi cally exempt from the law. Minors are      based on classifi ca  on codes maintained by the Na  onal
        covered under the law. Services performed by independent   Council on Compensa  on Insurance (NCCI), which oversees
        contractors are not covered. Owners, corporate offi  cers,   various aspects of the premium-calcula  ons process in
                                                                 Idaho and other states.
                                                                                                 Con  nued on Next Page
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