Page 4 - Fairy one hour
P. 4
We are little fairies, (feet and arms in 1st position)
We dance and sing. (plie for dance and hold microphone for sing)
Here are our wands and, (shake imaginary wand)
Here are our wings. (gracefully move arms up and down like wings)
We turn around then we point our toes. (turn around on tippy toes with arms above head making a big round shape, 5th position, then point each foot once with hands on hips)
We jump up high then strike a pose. (jump in 1st position then strike a ballet pose of your choice)
9. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH HIDING: ‘Tiny Fairies’ adapted by Lucy Milan Davis from a poem with an unknown source
“It’s time to play with the parachute again but first we need to practice the special rhyme.” Say the rhyme as you move the imaginary parachute from side to side to the pulse for the first three lines then lift it up high for the last line. The children should naturally copy your actions without being asked.
Tiny fairies,
So quiet and still. Will you come out? Of course we will!
“It’s time to take out the real parachute so we can hide like fairies.” Choose a few children (including the birthday child) to be fairies and they curl up into a tiny ball and hide under the parachute in the middle of the circle. The remaining children (who are seated) hold the edges of the parachute and move it gently from side to side to the pulse as you say the rhyme. After, “Will you come out?” pause for a moment and shout “Of course we will!” whilst quickly lifting the parachute up to reveal the hidden children. The children in the middle go back into the circle and you choose new children to hide under the parachute. The number of fairies hiding at one time will depend on the size of the group. For example, if there are 12 children or less they could go one at a time and if there are more than 20 you could have three or four at a time. After the game has been played a couple of times, encourage the children to say the words with you. If you have a party assistant or if there is a willing parent nearby, ask them to hold the opposite end of the parachute and encourage the children to all go under together as you say the rhyme one final time.
10. CHASING GAME: ‘Catch the Fairies!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’) Put on your posh teacher voice. “And now you’re going to have a short fairy lesson. I am your teacher Your Name Sparkles and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics. Curl up in a ball on the floor for the hiding verse.
“All fairies must know how to cast a spell!”
The fairies cast a spell, the fairies cast a spell, the fairies cast a spell in the fairy class. “All fairies must know how to hide from goblins.”
The fairies are hiding...
“All fairies must know how to fly!”
The fairies are flying... The fairies are sleeping... The fairies are waking...
“Now I’m going to be the Naughty Goblin and chase you and see how many fairies I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
The Naughty Goblin’s chasing...
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