Page 4 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 4
The Contractor
Will be responsible for and will be deemed to It is one of the standard DP UK&I Ltd conditions
have included in their price for: that the shopfitting company acts as “Principal
• undertaking role of Principal Contractor in (Main) contractor”. As such it is the shopfitter’s
accordance with the CDM Regulations 2015 responsibility to contact ALL other suppliers
• undertaking construction phase under CDM and contractors and ensure that their delivery
Regulations and/or installation dates are arranged and
• preparing construction phase Health and confirmed to suit the shopfitter’s programme.
Safety plan prior to commencement of the
works However, it is the main contractor’s responsibility
• liaising with Building Control/ Approved to ensure all facilities are in place to enable
Inspector, ensuring all works comply with others to complete their works on the appointed
building control and fire officer observations days i.e. electrical works advanced enough to
• coordinating with the statutory services allow phone installation, etc.
provider and integrating service providers’
work into the construction programme, Other suppliers are normally given a “week
providing attendance where necessary commencing” delivery date. The Principal
• undertaking detailed setting-out survey Contractor must therefore plan the works
prior to commencing manufacture or fit-out and make arrangements for specific dates
and advising the PM/ Design Team of any as required. Be aware that some suppliers
significant variances have significant lead times. DO NOT expect
• coordinating with and integrating into the immediate delivery. If there are any problems
construction programme, delivery and with cooperation and availability from suppliers,
setting out of items supplied by others the Employer should be advised as soon as
• coordinating with the client on direct trades possible.
and orders
• providing comprehensive Health and Safety If site events require a change to a previously
file on completion of the works incorporating booked date, the Principal Contractor MUST
the Operation and Maintenance manual rearrange, providing as much notice as possible.
• responsibility for the security of the site and Charges for abortive visits due site conditions, will
insurance of works during the contract be charged back to the Principal Contractor.
• delivering the finished project within the
programme instruction from the employer The Principal Contractor must prepare and
to proceed with the works, including price issue a detailed construction programme
for necessary out of hours, or weekend work highlighting tasks, deliveries and critical dates to
• acting as the keyholder for the duration of the the Employer/ Project Manager before starting
works and to make suitable arrangements on site. Deviations from the programme must
so access to the premises is available at all be reported immediately to the client and
times in the event of emergencies Domino’s Project Manager.