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Why Do We Sing Dayenu? ‐ Daniel Gross (9th Grade)

         The Haggadah is long, and for some, parts of it are boring. We all are waiting for two things to happen: eating
         and singing. One of the most entertaining songs is Dayenu, with all its joyous repetitiveness. But the topic is
         quite strange. It lists all the great things Hashem has done for us. But instead of saying “thank you”, the song
         says “it would have been enough”. It seems like the author of the song is questioning Hashem’s decisions, going
         against our central belief in Hashem. How can we sing such a thing so joyously?

         The answer is very simple. We list all of these great things Hashem has done for us so that we appreciate them
         more. After reading through the story of Pesach, we sing this song to keep our ego in check. Even though Ha-
         shem did these great things for us, we are not entitled. Hashem did so much extra for us, way more than saving
         us from slavery. We do not deserve any of this, and we have to acknowledge Hashem’s awesomeness, that he
         would do so much for us. We can not take these blessings for granted.

         This point is further exemplified in the structure of the song itself. It is split into three parts: the first - taking the
         Jews out of Egypt, the second - miracles, and the last - closeness with Hashem. We need to be reminded of these
         things individually, so that we do not jumble them together. Each and every thing Hashem has done for us is
         special, and we must thank Him for all of them.

                                                                                                        4th grade
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