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Why Do We Say רורמו ,הצמ ,חספ” “ In That Order, but We Eat Them In Reverse? ‐
Ariel Schneider (10th Grade)
Rabban Gamliel explains that all of the terms “ רורמו ,הצמ ,חספ ” have to be explained or else one does not fulfill
their requirement of fulfilling the requirements of Pesach. In a nutshell, these three terms are able to represent the
entire story that is told in the Haggadah. The Korban Pesach reminds us of Hashem’s personal intervention on our
behalf. The Matzah refers to the swift fashion in which Hashem took us out of Egypt. Maror signifies the suffering
that the Bnei Yisrael endured during their enslavement.
Others suggest that the three are able to be seen in Rambam’s 13 articles of faith. Pesach is the rejection of idol
worship and faith in Hashem’s existence. Matzah refers to the acceptance of Torah. And Maror is the belief in re-
ward and punishment.
The Abarbanel gives an explanation as to why the list is written opposite to how we eat these symbols. The Abar-
banel explains that Rabban Gamliel lists the three mitzvot the way that they are listed in the Torah, which also sig-
nifies the importance of the Korban Pesach which is listed first rather than last.
Another answer says that the Korban Pesach is eaten last rather than first, as it is listed, so that its taste may remain
with us, and not because it is the least important of the three mitzvot.
The Maharil explains that the reason Maror is listed last is because there is no biblical commandment for it any-
more, since there is no more Beit Hamikdash.
We are able to learn from the three simple words that Rabban Gamliel focuses so much on, that lessons are not al-
ways large and obscure concepts, and are sometimes able to be condensed into something so simple, that it es-
capes the human mind.
Rebecca Silberlicht—1st grade