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Nirtzah – הצרנ
.הָנ ָמ י ִמ ת ַדֲﬠ לַהְק ם ֵמוֹק ,הָנוֹע ְמ ןֵכוֹשׁ ָז . וֹתוֹשֲׂﬠַל הֶכְּזִנ ןֵכּ .וֹתוֹא ר ֵדּ ַסְל וּני ִכָז ר ֶשֲׁאַכּ .וֹתָקֻחְו וֹטָפּ ְשׁ ִמ לָכ ְכּ ,וֹתָכְל ִה ְכּ חַסֶפּ רוּדּ ִס לַסֲח
. הָנּ ִר ְבּ ןוֹי ִצְל םִיוּד ְפּ .הָנַּכ יֵﬠ ְטִנ לֵהַנ בוֹרָק ְבּ
The Passover Seder is concluded, according to each traditional detail with all its laws and customs. As we have
been privileged to celebrate this Seder, so may we one day celebrate it in Jerusalem. Pure One who dwells in
the high places, support your People countless in number. May you soon redeem all your People joyfully in
Jonathan Vaknin—1st Grade