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.הָּיוּלְלַה ,םָלוֹעְל 'ה ת ֶמֱאֶו ,וֹד ְסַח וּניֵלָﬠ רַבָג י ִכּ .םי ִמֻּאָה לָכּ וּהוּח ְבּ ַשׁ ,םִיוֹגּ לָכּ ,'ה ת ֶא וּלְלַה
Praise the Lord, all you nations; praise G-d, all you peoples, for His love to us is great, and the truth of the
Lord is forever. Halleluyah.
.וֹדּ ְסַח םָלוֹעְל י ִכּ ,בוֹט י ִכּ 'הַל וּדוֹה
.וֹדּ ְסַח םָלוֹעְל י ִכּ ,ל ֵא ָר ְשִׂי אָנ ר ַמאֹי
.וֹדּ ְסַח םָלוֹעְל י ִכּ ,ןֹרֲה ַא תיֵב אָנ וּר ְמאֹי
. וֹדּ ְסַח םָלוֹעְל י ִכּ ,'ה י ֵא ְרִי אָנ וּר ְמאֹי
Give thanks to the Lord, for G-d is good; His kindness endures forever.
Let Israel declare, His kindness en-
dures forever.’ Let the house of Aaron declare His kindness endures forever’
Let those who fear the Lord
say ‘His kindness endures forever.’
תוֹסֲחַל בוֹט .י ָאְנשׂ ְב ה ֶא ְ ר ֶא יִנֲאַו ,י ָרְזֹע ְבּ יִל 'ה .ם ָד ָא יִל ה ֶשֲׂﬠַיּ המ - ַ , א ָרי ִא אֹל יִל 'ה .הּק בַח ְר ֶמַב יִנָנָּﬠ ,הּק י ִתא ָרָק רַצ ֵמַּה ן ִמ
.םַלי ִמֲא י ִכּ 'ה ם ֵשׁ ְבּ ,יִנוּבָב ְס םַג ינ וּ ִ בּ ַס .םַלי ִמֲא י ִכּ 'ה ם ֵשׁ ְבּ ,יִנוּבָב ְס םִיוֹגּ לָכּ .םי ִבי ִדְנ ִבּ ַחֹט ְבּ ִמ ,'הַבּ תוֹסֲחַל בוֹט .ם ָד ָאָבּ ַחֹט ְבּ ִמ,'הַבּ
הָנּ ִר לוֹק .הָﬠוּשׁיִל יִל י ִהְיַו הּק ת ָר ְמִז ְ ו י ִזּע .יִנ ָרָזֲﬠ 'הַו ,לֹפְּנִל יִנ ַתי ִח ְדּ הֹח ָדּ .םַלי ִמֲא י ִכּ 'ה ם ֵשׁ ְבּ ,םי ִצוֹק שׁ ֵא ְכּ וּכֲﬠֹדּ , םי ִרֹב ְדּ ִכ יִנוּבּ ַס
יִנ ַר ְסִּי רֹסַּי .הּק י ֵשֲׂﬠ ַמ רֵפּ ַסא ַו ֲ ,הֶי ְח ֶא י ִכּ תוּמ ָא אֹל .לִיָח ה ֵשֹׂע 'ה ןי ִמְי ,ה ָמ ֵמוֹר 'ה ןי ִמְי .לִיָח ה ֵשֹׂע 'ה ןי ִמְי םיִקי ִדַּצ יֵלֳה ָא ְבּ הָﬠוּשׁיִו
. וֹב וּאֹבָי םיִקי ִדַּצ ,'הַל רַﬠ ַשַּׁה הֶז .הּק ה ֶדוֹא ,םָב אֹב ָא ,ק ֶדֶצ י ֵרֲﬠ ַשׁ יִל וּח ְת ִפּ .יִנָנ ָתְנ אֹל תֶו ָמַּלְו ,הּק
From the narrow I called to the Lord, G-d answered me in the great freedom of space. The Lord is with me, I
have no fear, what can man do to me? The Lord is with me as my helper, I will see the defeat of all my foes. It
is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in
greatness. All nations have surrounded me; in the name of the Lord, I have cut them down. They have sur-
rounded me, but in the name of the Lord, I cut them down. They swarmed like bees about me, but they were
extinguished like a fire of thorns; but in the name of the Lord, I cut them down. You pushed me and I nearly
fell, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and song; He has become my salvation.
The voice of
rejoicing and salvation is tents of the righteous resound, "The right hand of the Lord is triumphant! The right
hand of the Lord is exalted! The right hand of the Lord triumphs!"
I shall not die, but live to proclaim the
works of the Lord. The Lord has severely punished me, but he has not handed me over to die. Open the gates
of righteousness, so that I may enter and praise the Lord.
This is the gateway to the Lord, the righteous shall
enter through it.
Shira Chen—1st Grade