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Hallel – ללה
Why is Pesach the Only Time We Say Hallel at Night?
‐ Julia Brown (8th grade)
There are many answers to the question,"Why is Pesach the only time we say Hallel at night." One common an-
swer that I found is that we were freed from the Egyptians at night, and that the Egyptians drowned in the sea at
night as well. Hashem was giving us a gift of life because we were free people and were not slaves anymore. We
were very happy that we got away from that so we celebrate by saying Hallel on that night. Another of the many
reasons we say Hallel is because of the t’filot that Miriam and the rest of the women sang after the sea split.
I also personally think another reason we say it on Pesach is because Pesach is one of the shalosh regalim, where
the Jews would go up to the Beit Hamikdash, so we wanted to make it an even more special and meaningful
night. We learn from this to always celebrate the happy things with t’filah and thanksgiving. Hashem is always
there to have our backs in happy and in tough times.
Nathaniel Loiselle—1st Grade