Page 45 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 45

death of the first born, the tenth plague, showed that God rules over the angels and the
spiritual world.
The lesson we can all learn from this is that God truly is the all powerful being in this universe.
He truly controls our lives in every way shape or form and we should be thankful of everything
that he gives us.
Blood - Gavriel Seifert (6th Grade)
The plague of Blood was the first of ten plagues that were brought upon the Egyp ans by
Hashem. Hashem caused these plagues so that Pharaoh would release the Jews from slavery.
As stated in Parshat Va’eira, Hashem tells Moshe to tell Aaron to do the plague. Why was this
plague, which was the first, done by Aaron and not Moshe?
Our Sages teach us that this is actually a lesson to teach us to show respect. Moshe didn’t hit
the water because the water had saved him when he was a small child. This teaches us
sensi vity, even to things with no feelings, like water.
This also happened with two other plagues. Aaron caused the plague of Frogs, because the river
saved Moshe. Moshe did not cause Lice because the earth swallowed up the Egyp an he had
killed. From these three plagues we learn about a great deal of respect and sensi vity to all of
Hashem’s crea ons.
Blood - Aaron Koual (8th Grade)
The plague of Blood is the first plague that Moshe and Aharon placed upon the Egyp ans.
Hashem told Moshe to tell Aharon to go down to Pharaoh and ask him to let the people go.
Hashem hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he said no. Hashem told Moshe to tell Aharon to strike
the water and turn it to blood. Pharaoh said it’s just black magic and he brought his sorcerers
and they did the same.
When the Egyp ans had water, they never had a thought that they would have to buy it from
the Jews one day. Some people don't realize what they have un l it's gone, and some people
know what they have and abuse it. It’s very sad but this happens all the me. People take things
for granted but we should appreciate everything we have.
Frogs - Natanya Ruben (9th Grade)
In Parshat Vaera, we learn about the first seven plagues that were cast upon the Egyp ans. The
Second plague was frogs, sca ered amid Egypt. The frogs were sent by Hashem to go
everywhere in the land, including the ovens, cabinets, and beds. Frogs are pre y gross but they
are not as bad as the other plagues which had a long las ng effect on the Egyp ans. What
message was Hashem sending to the Egyp ans by afflic ng them with frogs?

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