Page 44 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 44
Although we almost seem oblivious to it, in Parshat Bo, the first and second pesukim of the
tenth perek, states a clear answer to the ques on of the necessity of the plagues.
וּ ְל ֡ ַמ ַﬠן ְתּ ַס ֵפּ ֩ר ְבּ ָא ְז ֵ֨ני ִב ְנ ֜ וּ ֶבן־ ִבּ ְנ ֗ ֵ ֣את ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ִה ְת ַﬠ ֨ ַלּ ְל ִתּ֙י ְבּ ִמ ְצ ַ֔ר ִים:ְל ֗ ַמ ַﬠן ִשׁ ִ ֛תי ֽ ֹא ֹת ַ ֥תי ֵ ֖א ֶלּה ְבּ ִק ְר ֽבּוֹ
:ְו ֶאת־ ֽ ֹא ֹת ַ ֖תי ֲא ֶשׁר־ ַ ֣שׂ ְמ ִתּי ָ ֑בם ִֽוי ַד ְﬠ ֶ ֖תּם ִֽכּי־ ֲא ִ ֥ני ה
“ order that I may display these My signs among them,and that you may recount in the
hearing of your sons and of your sons’ sons how I made a mockery of the Egyp ans and how I
displayed My signs among them—in order that you may know that I am the LORD.” (10:1-2)
So yes!, the ten plagues were a definite necessity with a purpose and deeper meaning. Hashem
displayed all among the Egyp ans for us to tell future genera ons of the ul mate power of God.
The main purpose is for us to truly “know” Hashem and maybe even understand Hashem. We
should come to a realiza on that Hashem can harness both natural and supernatural forces
direc ng and controlling their phenomenal strength and enormous power in the fulfillment of
His word, just like the Jewish Na on witnessed while in Egypt.
The message that should be taken from this is that Hashem’s supremacy, existence, providence
etc, is our inspira on for life. Although power is not in all of our control, we should learn the
lesson that proving ourselves to people defines true character. Taking the simple and basic way
out may be easier on us or may take away the judgement. However, if we do not fight and prove
ourselves with all our might, how can we be a mo va on and inspira on for future genera ons
to do great things?
The Ten Plagues - Akiva Garner (11th Grade)
We all know about the ten plagues but not many know the significance of the number ten. One
source tells a story which goes as follows. One me Moshe approached Pharoah and said “The
Lord our God said to send out my people and let them sacrifice to me in the desert” Pharaoh
replied “who is the Lord your God that I should listen to his voice and let Israel out? I do not
know the Lord neither will I let Israel out.” Even though Pharaoh said this, he was actually very
familiar with the concept of gods. The Egyp ans worshiped gods of all sorts and Pharoah even
considered himself a god. But he did not believe in the Jewish concept of God which stated
there was an all-powerful all-knowing God. So we learn from this that each of the 10 plagues
corresponded with each element that God created in the world. Each one demonstrated that a
seemingly stable and independent aspect of crea on was en rely in God’s hands.
The first plague of blood showed that God rules over the water. The second plague, which was
frogs, demonstrated that God rules over all physical man-made crea ons. Lice then showed that
God rules over the dust of the land. Wild animals also showed that God rules over the animals
of the land. The fi h plague of pes lence of the animals showed that God controls the air we
breathe. The six plague of boils show that God can cause any living person to suffer or be
healed. The seventh plague of hail declared that God controlled the element of fire. Then came
locusts, which showed that God ruled over the earth’s vegeta on. A er was darkness which
shows that God demonstrates that only He can change that which is found in the sky. Finally the