Page 51 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 51
Egypt? God said that he will strike down all of the Egyp an firstborn for the last plague. Hashem
said that all the people of Egypt were equal and that even the animals would die. The Egyp ans
only followed their desires and did not use their minds for acts of goodness, ass evidenced by
their following of idolatry. Because of that they were now equal with the animals. The lesson
from this is to never let yourself become like a animal by following what you want and doing
bad. Rather you should follow your mind and not sink to a level as low as the animals.
ְדּ ַצ״ ַﬠ ַד״שׁ ְבּ ַא ַח״ב:ַר ִבּי ְיהוּ ָדה ָה ָיה נוֹ ֵתן ָבּ ֶהם ִס ָמּ ִנים
Rabbi Yehuda would assign the plagues three mnemonic signs: Detzach, Adash, BeAchav