Page 56 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 56

Krias Yam Suf - Devora Machuca (8th Grade)
The spli ng of the Red Sea was a great miracle performed by Hashem a er the enslavement of
Bnei Yisrael. The Red Sea was split wide open and Bnei Yisrael walked through, while behind
them the Egyp ans were washed away. This was a very big phenomenon in the Torah.
There was a man named Nachshon from the tribe of Yehuda. He had so much faith in Hashem
that he jumped in the water un l the water reached up to his nose and that's when the sea
Why did Hashem decide to split the Red Sea when it reached Nachshon’s nose? The reason the
water split when it was up to his nose is because that's when Hashem knew that Bnei Yisrael
actually had belief in Him. That’s when He knew that they were His people. Even though we
some mes think that God isn't out there, He is just only wai ng for the me that you have a
li le bit of faith in Him for you to realize that He is always with you, even in your hardest me.

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