Page 66 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 66


                                   REVIVE HWANGE NATIONAL PARK


                                                                                  By Wallace Mawire

                                                              airport and Buffalo Range airport.
                                                               In terms of terminal capacity, Robert Mugabe international
         Concerned stakeholders in the aviation sector in Zimbabwe   airport leads with at least 2 500 000 passengers per annum, then
          have urged the responsible authorities to revive operations at   J.N. Nkomo airport with 1 500 000, Victoria Falls airport with also 1
          Hwange national park airport, a move also expected to boost the   500 000 passengers per annum.
          country's tourism revenue inflows.                   Hwange national airport has 1 500 00 passengers per annum.
           According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ),   Stakeholders say that this could be increased if operations at the
          Hwange airport is the second largest airport apart from Robert   airport are revived.
          Mugabe International airport in terms of terminal capacity and   Margaret Mandiziva, CAAZ acting director said that there are
          runway dimensions.                                  plans to boost operations at the airport which used to be vibrant in
           However, despite its capacity, stakeholders are concerned that it   its heydays.
          is not being fully utilised for the country's benefit.      She said that the airport boasts of all the required accessories
           About a decade or so back, before the country experienced an   including necessary fire-fighting equipment and the facilities that
          economic backlash, the airport used to be very vibrant witnessing   are a pre-requisite of all airports.
          an influx of tourists and visitors to the national park. It was   She said Air Zimbabwe used to have a scheduled flight to Hwange
          strategically located as an efficient mode of transportation for the   airport called Flame Lily when the economy was still ticking.
          tourism sector.
           So, the decline in the number of tourists and visitors to the   She said it was regrettable that the airport was stagnant and not
          national park affected operations at the airport.             being fully utilised.
           In terms of terminal capacity and runway dimensions in the   Mandiziva said that there were opportunities for stakeholders
          country, Robert Mugabe International airport is in the lead with   and operators in the tourism and game parks business to benefit
          4725 x 16m runway dimensions followed by Hwange airport with   from the revival of operations at the airport.
          4600 x 30m, then Victoria Falls airport with 4000 x 45m runway   Annajulia Hungwe, CAAZ corporate communications manager
          dimensions.                                         said that the airport is currently closed due to the national
           There are also other small airports dotted around the country   lockdown in the country as per statutory instrument (SI)83 of 2020.
          like Joshua N. Nkomo airport in the second city of Bulawayo, Kariba   She said that charter flights used to service Hwange national
          airport, which is another tourism resort town, Charles Prince   airport. Q

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