Page 68 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 68


                                   WHAT'S NEXT FOR AVIATION?

                                   FOUR TRENDS TO WATCH

                                                                                           By Mark Perez

                                    can be made that Zoom and   The strength of leisure travel   positioned to be victors of
                                    other video conferencing   rebound will depend, in part,   the consolidation game - a
         It’s hard to believe now, but   technologies will do the same   on how effectively airlines   much-needed strategy to
                                    now. There is pent-up demand
          the aviation sector was riding   for business travel, and we   can use pricing to stimulate   weather a multi-year recovery
          a wave at the start of the   should expect a slow but steady   demand.        of passenger demand. Other
          year. Capital was plentiful and   return.            All US airlines are offering   winners include airlines that
          expectations were high that   Leisure travel will return   domestic fares at discounts   have co-ordinated government
          global demand for travel would   as well. One universal lesson   from fares offered this time
                                                              last year, in some cases over 40
                                                                                         The airline industry is no
          keep growing.             we have recently learned is   percent. With these discounts,   stranger to bankruptcies and
           Now the industry is operating   that people need to connect   airlines are banking on driving   consolidations (remember
          in a parallel universe. Global   in person - to see family and   people back into seats.   TWA, Northwest, Mexicana
          air passenger traffic this year   friends, create memories in   If passengers have positive   and Pan Am), so we should
          is predicted to drop as much   new places and simply get   experiences, the airline would   expect orderly restructurings
          as 70 percent from last year,   out. Ultimately, travel is a   have effectively “broken the   and mergers in the months (and
          and business travel isn’t   global phenomenon that is   seal” on their reluctance to   years) ahead.
          expected to return until at least   not going away. It’s a badge   travel, giving way to more   But consolidation creates
          2024. The market value of big   of a middle-class lifestyle and   frequent excursions and   a window for new entrants
          airplane manufacturers and   an experience that millennials   positive word of mouth   who are able to start-up at the
          airlines has sagged.      value more highly than goods.   stemming from their positive   bottom of the cycle leveraging
           But while we’re likely years                       (and safe) experiences.    available surplus skilled labor
          away from a full recovery, the   PROPER GOVERNMENT   However, to sustainably   and assets (aircraft) at their
          passage of time has allowed   ACTION IS CRUCIAL     provide lower airfares, airlines   disposal.
          the industry to recalibrate and   As of the end of August, 81   will need to right size cost
          reevaluate business models,   separate countries and EU-level   structures. Reducing fleets   The most popular routes will
          market assumptions and    entities had committed up to   to maximize utilization,   continue to fly - though they
          day-to-day operations. The   (US) $158 billion in support for   deferring or cancelling new   may be with different airlines or
          following four trends will be   the airline industry, according   aircraft orders and monetizing   aircraft.
          important to watch.                                                            And with the market
                                    to industry reports. Overall   aircraft they own through “sale   participants shifting around,
                                    worldwide spending on air   leaseback” transactions with   airfare trends and passenger
          BUSINESS AND LEISURE      transport was estimated at   third-party aircraft lessors are   experiences will also change.
          TRAVEL DEMAND WILL        $873 billion in 2019.     all prime examples of actions   Passengers shouldn’t expect
          RETURN                     Yet governments - including   airlines such as Delta, JetBlue,   low fares forever, but we may
          Airlines have historically relied   Canada and countries in the   Cathay Pacific and easyJet are   see a few new airlines “make
          on a steady flow of business   European Economic Area and   taking now.       a run for it” to capture market
          travel for their higher profit   Southeast Asia - have also   Plus, the crisis will push   share through differentiated
          margins. It’s clear the Zoom   taken steps to restrict, and in   airlines to onboard nascent   service offerings.
          effect has aided in business   some cases prevent, air travel   technologies to help them cut   These four trends illustrate
          productivity during a time   in and out of their respective   marginal operating costs such   the tensions the airline industry
          when business travel itself has   countries. Partly health and   as more efficient flight planning   face now and the moves that
          been curtailed (either mandat-  safety-related, partly political,   (less downtime with existing   are being made in response.
          ed or by preference).     these government border   aircraft), less time on ground in   The airline industry will survive
           But there is still no real   controls have stifled what   between flights, optimising fuel   and thrive once again, but how
          substitute for in-person   limited air travel demand still   management, etc.   it changes, who the key players
          meetings, especially when   exists.                  Look for creative ways airlines   will be, what the passenger
          it comes to establishing the   There is no consensus on the   are shifting operations and cost   experience will be and how all
          rapport and trust necessary to   proper path nations should   management which will allow   stakeholders work to operate
          win new business.         take, but it’s safe to say the   for demand-stimulating pricing   in the black will be a fascinating
           After all, it was widely   viability of the airline industry   and business model innovation.  case study in organisational
          predicted at the time of the   worldwide hinges in large part   More airline bankruptcies and   management, competitive
          telegraph, telephone, the fax   from a balanced border control   consolidations, but also new   positioning, and operational
          machine and email that these   strategy that accounts for both   entrants     efficiency. And with all of that
          new technologies would slash   needs of safety and openness.  Here’s a near certainty: Only   change, there is opportunity.
          the need for travel.                                the stronger airlines will survive   Mark Perez is a founding
           The opposite occurred.   AIRLINES WILL EXPERI-     coming out of COVID-19. Those   partner of Virgo Investment
          Each one enabled even more   MENT WITH PRICING AND   that were well capitalised   Group and board member for
          business travel. An argument   COST STRUCTURE       and well-operated are best   Zephyrus Aviation Capital.

                                               World Airnews | December Extra 2020
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