Page 73 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 73


                                  CROSSWORD PUZZLE
           Name: ___________________________________________                                  Date: ___________________
                         World AirNews Crossword Puzzle (Ver.2)



                             5                                                6                             7
                                                                9                    10    11
                                                  13                          14
                          17     18
                                               19                      20     21


                                        23  24           25                   26

                  28                                  29                             30


           Across                                              Down
           2. Fibreglass gliders are invariably painted white to minimise what?  1. How is a plane's lifespan measured? Number of...
           3. Which aircraft's winglets are the same height as the world's tallest man (2.4m)  4. How many satellites are needed for a GPS to provide a three-dimensional
           5. Who holds the current world record for the fastest rocket jet that carried a human   position (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and time solution
           12. What chemical element in a thermometer is an aircraft's kryptonite?  6.  The windows in a control tower must be tilted out from the vertical by how many
           16. When the plane hits the runway upon landing, bounces up for a moment, then slams   degrees to minimise reflection from both inside and outside the control tower
           down again for good.                                7.  Turbulence not associated with visible moisture. Associated with jetstreams or
           19. Up to what speed is allowable on a High speed Taxiway/Turnoff (HST) according to the  mountain wave activity
           Jeppesen in knots?                                  8. Who introduced the world's first online check in 1999?
           21. The code word used to designate an uncertainty phase  9.  Which material was used as a counterweight in the tail assemblies of 747's produced
           22. Who was Adolf Hitler's personal pilot between 1934 and 1945  from 1968 to 1981?
           23. How many mini vans can a 747 fuel?              10.  The SAAF Impala is derived from which Italian aircraft?
           25.  What colour exhaust smoke indicates that the mixture is too rich/Excess fuel in   11.  The cockpit photos displayed on page 6 & 16 of the World AirNews magazine (Vol 48
           exhaust                                             No9), what is the name of that aircraft?
           26. Roughly how many taste buds go numb during your flight  13.  During the 1966 Palomares B-52 crash, how many non-nuclear explosives
           27.  What do flight attendants put on in order to look fresh for the "buh-byes" just before  contained in two of the weapons carried detonated?
           landing?                                            14. What is the name of the man who ate a plane
           28. Name the largest aircraft routinely operated by the U.S. military  15. WWII Slang: What do you call writing a letter to a girl back home
           29. A piece of technical gear (also doodad, thingamabob, or hog-ha)  17. Fog is the term used when visibility is less than
           30. On a warm day, will your True Airspeed be faster or slower  18. Which airline has the Pepsi logo
           31.  What feature starts on page 17 of the World Air News Magazine (Volume48 No9)?  20. The VOR emits a signal up to how many degrees in the vertical plane?
           32. What converts AC current to DC current          24. On what page in the World Air News Magazine (Vol 48 No9) can you find the tribute
           33. A point on the airport designated as the official airport location  to Captain Paul Green?

                                                                                       * See next month’s issue for answers

                                                    World Airnews | December 2020
                                                            — 47 —
                                                Created by: Larkin Keyser
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