Page 72 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 72


                                  DRONES CAN HELP

                                  UNDERSTAND FIRE RISK

                                                                     By Dronelife staff writer Jim Magill

                                           (DRI), the San Jose research team used a   atmospheric measurements in the vicinity of
                                           DJI Matrice 200 (M200) equipped with a   wildfires, with many advantages over more

               s wildfires continue to rage across   TriSonica mini wind and weather sensor,   traditional meteorological- sensor platforms

        Avast swaths of the western Unit-  to sample the vertical wind profiles of   such as weather balloons. For example, the
        ed States, researchers are developing the   three-dimensional winds generated by   sensor package carried by a balloon is dis-

        use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to   wildfires, according to a research paper.  posable and designed for only a single use.
        understand the weather systems that lead   Because the researchers wanted to mea-  “The weather balloon goes up to 50,000

        to the fires’ ignition and spread and to help   sure vertical wind velocity, that had to posi-  feet and then they burst and the sensor
                                                                               drops back to earth and they’re not col-

        develop tools to battle the blazes.  tion the sensor off to the side of the drone, to   lected, he said. Because the use of a drone

                                           avoid having the prop wash from the drone’s
         A team of researchers from the Fire   rotors interfere with their measurements.   allows the researchers to retain the sensor
        Weather Research Laboratory at San Jose   The solution was to install a carbon-fibre   reuse, the scientists can afford to use a

        State University in California recently   boom, which positioned the sensor at a dis-  more sophisticated, and expensive, sensor

        completed a study that demonstrated that   tance of about two times the propeller width   package than they would with a balloon.

        a drone equipped with a sonic anemom-  away from the body of the UAV, to eliminate   The use of the drone platform “gives us

        eter is an effective tool for taking vertical   some of the influences of the prop wash.  a lot more flexibility,” Clements said. “We

        profiles of atmospheric variables, a process                           can fly it wherever we want. Over time it

        that would otherwise require the use of   The team used the anemometer with   will save us money.”

        costly weather balloons or the construction   its data monitor powered through the
                                           USB port on the drone itself, said Mat-

        of a meteorological tower.                                              The last consideration is particularly im-
                                           thew Brewer, a former graduate research   portant as the use of weather balloons can
        WHAT IS WILDFIRE METEOROLOGY?      assistant in the Fire Weather Research   become quite expensive, especially for a

        “It tuns out the wildfire environment is   Laboratory.                 relatively small research entity like the SJSU

        poorly sampled and there have not been   The team took drone out for a test flight   Fire Weather Research Laboratory.

        a lot of measurements around wildfires,”   near a controlled fire in Fish lake National   However, there are some limitations to

        Craig Clements, professor at SJSU’s Fire   Forest, Utah, in November last year but   the use of drones in wildfire meteorology,

        Research Laboratory and leader of the   were unable to fly close after the organ-  Clements said.

        project, said in an interview.     isers decided to ignite the fire from a   One is vertical height, 1,500 feet for a

         “We need that data to better understand   helicopter.                 drone, versus 50,000 feet for a weather

        the fire environment for modelling so we   “Once there’s a helicopter in the air, then   balloon.

        can better predict changes, especially as   you really can’t fly a drone,” Clements said.   Another limitation with drones such as

        the climate changes and fires get more   “So, we had to do our flight before the   the Matrice 200 is because they are so

        intense.”                          helicopter ignition took place.”    small and lightweight, Clements said he

         Clements began experimenting with   They were able to take the UAV to the   is not sure that it could be flown directly

        using unmanned aircraft to measure mete-  site and fly it, taking vertical profiles of the   above large-scale wildfires like those cur-
        orological conditions near wildfires in 2008,   atmosphere, which gave them two sound-  rently ravaging the West.

        when he flew a small fixed-wing, gas-pow-  ings, Brewer said. One measurement at   “I don’t think that many smaller drones

        ered remote-controlled airplane through   1,500 feet above ground level was taken.  could handle the extreme updraft associ-

        the smoke plumes of wildfires. Since then,   “It showed that this platform could be   ated with these fires,” he said. More likely

        the increasing sophistication of UAVs has   used for high-resolution atmospheric   researchers flying sensor-equipped drones

        greatly expanded the potential for their use   sounding,” he said. “We found that the UAS   would keep them away from the fire front,

        in fire research, he said.         can measure winds reasonably well for cer-  to take measurements in close proximity to

                                           tain applications, such as monitoring fires   the fire.

        HOW WILDFIRE METEOROLOGY           and getting rough soundings. But further   “If we were to take the drone to some

        WITH A DRONE WORKS                 work is needed.”                    smaller-scale grass fires, then we would fly

        Working in collaboration with US forest   Clements said the research demonstrated   the drone through the plume as we did in

        service and the Desert Research Institute   that UAVs can be used as a platform to take   2008,” he said. Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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