Page 74 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 74


                                  IN THE TIME OF RESILIENCE

                                                                                           By Heidi Gibson

                                                                              SpaceX engineers re-inforced part of
                                             So looking forward into the future - the   the Crew Dragon’s heat shield and made
                ats off to South African born   door is open and anyone with enough mon-  several other adjustments before managers

        HSpaceX CEO Elon Musk  - he must    ey is allowed to buy a ticket on a commer-  cleared the Crew-1 mission for launch.
                                            cial rocket and head off into space.

         be smiling after the successful launch and   Some context – what is remarkable is   Then NASA officials spent two days

         flight of the Crew Dragon spacecraft built   SpaceX, working under contract to NASA,   reviewing the changes and gave the green

         and operated by his company.       built the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon   light - formally certifying the Crew Dragon

          Dubbed ‘Resilience’ the commercial   spacecraft, own both vehicles and con-  spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket for opera-

         crew capsule rocketed off from the Florida   trolled the mission from its corporate   tional flights.
         spaceport. A huge 65-metre tall Falcon 9   headquarters in Hawthorne, California,   “The big milestone here is we are now
         rocket effectively gave the Crew Dragon   near Los Angeles.          moving from development and test and

         spacecraft a fiery ride into orbit.  The first ‘operational’ Crew Dragon mis-  into operational flights,” said NASA Admin-

          NASA commander Mike Hopkins was   sion, or Crew-1, is one of at least six space   istrator Jim Bridenstine.
         joined inside the crew capsule by pilot   station crew rotation flights NASA has   NASA has spent (US) $6 billion over the

         Victor Glover, mission specialist Shannon   contracted to SpaceX.    last decade helping companies develop

         Walker and Japanese astronaut Soichi   This followed from a successful demon-  new commercial human-rated spacecraft.
         Noguchi. The four-person team will spend   stration mission to the space station earlier   In 2014, the space agency selected SpaceX

         nearly six months on the International   this year when NASA astronauts Doug Hur-  and Boeing as partners to complete devel-

         space station,                     ley and Bob Behnken completed the Crew   opment of the Crew Dragon and Starliner

          The successful blast off marked the start   Dragon’s final developmental test flight.  crew capsules.

         of the first private spaceflight mission   The pair spent two months on the space   SpaceX has signed agreements with NASA

         and many others including the first flight   station before returning to Earth for a para-  valued at more than (US) $3.1 billion to

         officially certified by NASA to fly humans,   chute-assisted splashdown on their Crew   cover design, testing, and six operational

         the first international astronaut onboard a   Dragon Endeavour spacecraft in the Gulf of   flights of the Crew Dragon spacecraft.

         commercial spacecraft, and the first time   Mexico in August.          The company is now of the world’s most

         NASA has packed four people in a space   After reviewing data from the test flight,   valuable private companies.

         capsule.                                                                  SpaceX transports cargo into space
          More than this though the event                                         for the US government, foreign govern-

         is a shining light of positivity and ad-                                 ments, and private firms around the

         vancement in the world of aerospace                                      world. Now, it can fly people, too, for
         when much of the aviation industry is                                    governments and private companies -

         doom and gloom – with predictions a                                      Axiom Space, a new space tourism com-

         return to ‘normal’ will only materi-                                     pany, has announced that three private

         alise in three years’ time.                                              astronauts have booked a Dragon for a
          It’s a landmark occurrence and it                                       trip to the ISS later in 2021.

         should not be ignored. The name of                                        Tickets are estimated to cost roughly

         the craft is apt in this testing time.                                   (US) $60 million per seat. Q

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