Page 62 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 62

                                                                                                                           THE NORTH COAST IS OUR STORY.
                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                                         PRIVATE JETS WEATHER


                                    flags. Asia-Pacific is the next   from the US to Canada are   business aviation hub in the

                                    busiest region, 10% off normal   down by 54%. Bahamas traffic   UK, outbound flights are down                                                            t Seeff North Coast, we understand our unique market
         Global business aviation   in private aviation sectors this   is also heavily depressed, 28%   almost 60%. Flight activity                                                      A nuances and offer unmatched local insight, expertise
                                                              below normal for November.
          activity is trending down by   month, but 30% below in terms   But flights to Puerto Rico are   in Germany has also been                                                       and service to our clients.
          19% this November compared   of flight hours.       up 40%, and several Caribbean   significantly constrained by
                                                                                        Lockdown 2.0, sectors down by
          to last November, slightly                          destinations have seen big   33% this month. Spain is less                                                                 Our offering is further enhanced by being part of a leading

          weaker than the October YOY   US PRIVATE JET TRAVEL   growth, notably Turks and   affected, flights down by 9%,                                                                National brand. All our Agents and Administrators undergo
          trend, according to WingX.  TRENDS                  Caicos, US Virgin Islands,   and activity is close to normal                                                               continuous education and professional development to
           This month’s trend is in line   In the United States, the dip in   Sint Maarten. Further afield,   in Sweden and Portugal. The                                                stay at the forefront of the real estate field.
          with the overall decline in the   activity during the presidential   transatlantic flying is still in the   outliers are Russia, Turkey,       CELIA TABB
          last six months. Private aviation   elections and immediate   trough, connections down by   and Greece, all of which are                       078 988 7727
          is still holding up much better   aftermath has made way for   75%.           seeing more flight activity this                                                                 OUR CORE OFFERING INCLUDES:
          than scheduled airlines where   a stronger recovery. Charter   Within the US, Florida is the   November than last year.              
          the activity is down by 62% YOY   operators are providing the   busiest State this month, with   Charter activity is holding                                                   •  Residential Sales and Letting
          for the same period.      ballast, with flight hours just 3%   flight sectors down by only 2%   up better in Europe, with                      Ballito Sales Expert            •  Commercial Sales and Letting
           Private jet and turboprop   below the comparative 2019   YOY. The only US State with   sectors trending down by 17%,
          activity picked up in the last   period.            growth compared to last year is   hours by 10%, compared to                                                                •  Rental Property Management
          10 days, with a rolling 7-day   Fractional operations are sub-  Arizona, with arrivals up by 1%.   private and corporate flight                                                •  Developments
          average close to regaining   stantially recovered from the   Big markets such as Texas and   departments, activity trailing
          the post-pandemic peak from   summer, with flights within 15%   California have seen recoveries   more than 25%.                                                               So whether you are looking to Buy, Sell or Rent on
          mid-October.              of the YOY trend for November.   stagnate around 15% below,   Several countries have
           “Business aviation activity   Private and corporate flight   and the metropolitan East   seen strong gains in charter                                                         the North Coast, give us a call and experience the
          has picked up a little this week,   departments are still lagging   Coast remains most affected,   activity this month, including                                              Seeff difference.

          mainly in the US, post-election,   almost 30% below par.  with New Jersey’s flight activity   Russia, Turkey, Portugal, Czech
          with Florida very much the   Trends in terms of aircraft   still 50% down.    Republic, and Cyprus. The
          regional hub. In Europe the   segment correlate to size, with                 busiest city connections, all
          trends are downwards, with the   the smaller jets flying more:   EUROPEAN PRIVATE JET   growing YOY, are from Moscow
          UK and Germany particularly   very light and entry-level   TRENDS             to Dubai, Belgrade, Larnaca,
          affected, although Turkey and   jets are 10% off, midsize and   In Europe, November has   and Nice.
          Russia are seeing record levels   super-mid jets are flying 15%   seen a steady decline in   Charter flights between
          of activity. Next week we could   below, heavy and ultra-long-  business aviation flight activity,   Berlin and Munich are well up.
          see positive effects from the   range jet activity is almost   unsurprisingly reflecting the   Barcelona and Madrid still rank
          lightening of restrictions in   30% down on last year. Aircraft   escalation in travel restrictions   as the most popular charter
          Europe, and some boost from   types with activity above 90%   across the region. Rolling   destinations, but activity is
          Thanksgiving travel in the US,”   of normal include the Citation   7-day average daily activity   down 50%. The busiest charter
          said Richard Koe, managing   Latitude, Nextant 400XT,   has slumped 30% in the last 3   aircraft in Europe is the Citation
          director of WingX.        Phenom 300.               weeks, with some countries   Mustang, with over 600 flights
           North America has slightly   In terms of international   seeing their largest declines   this month, only 3% off last
          weaker trends than Europe with   connections from the US,   since the Spring.  year. Notably, the Embraer
          a 22% decline versus 18%, but   Mexico is the primary destina-  Notably, flight activity out   Legacy 600/650 platform has
          converging as the US market   tion, with flights down only 3%   of the UK is down by 43%. Out   flown 3% more in November   NORTH COAST
          picks up and European activity   this month. In contrast, flights   of Luton, formerly the busiest   YOY. Q       032 586 0170 |             SEEFF SALES OFFICE:
                                                                                                                                                                         Suite 4, First Floor, New Salt Rock
                                                   World Airnews | December Extra 2020                                                     Shopping Centre, Salt Rock
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