Page 60 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 60


                                   OWL FEATHERS POINT THE WAY

                                   TO LESS AIRCRAFT NOISE

         A recent research study
          conducted by City, University of
          London's Professor Christoph
          Bruecker and his team has
          revealed how micro-structured
          finlets on owl feathers enable
          silent flight and may show the
          way forward in reducing aircraft
          noise in future.
           Professor Bruecker is
          City's Royal Academy of
          Engineering Research Chair in
          Nature-Inspired Sensing and                          After being transferred into a digital shape model, the flow
          Flow Control for Sustainable Transport and Sir Richard Olver BAE   simulations around those structures (using computational fluid
          Systems Chair for Aeronautical Engineering.         dynamics) clearly indicated the aerodynamic function of these
           His team have published their discoveries in the Institute of   extensions as finlets, which turn the flow direction in a coherent
          Physics journal, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics in a paper titled   way.
          'Flow turning effect and laminar control by the 3-D curvature of   This effect is known to stabilize the flow over a swept wing
          leading edge serrations from owl wing.'             aerofoil, typical for owls while flapping their wings and gliding.
           Their research outlines their translation of the detailed 3-D   Using flow studies in a water tunnel, Professor Bruecker, also
          geometry data of typical owl feather examples provided by   proved the flow-turning hypothesis in experiments with an
          Professor Hermann Wagner at RWTH Aachen University (Germany)   enlarged finlet model.
          into a biomimetic aerofoil to study the aerodynamic effect on the   His team was surprised that instead of producing vortices, the
          special filaments at the leading edge of the feathers.  finlets act as thin guide vanes due to their special 3-D curvature.
           The results show that these structures work as arrays of finlets   The regular array of such finlets over the wing span therefore turns
          which coherently turn theflow direction near the aerodynamic wall   the flow direction near the wall in a smooth and coherent manner.
          and keep the flow for longer and with greater stability, avoiding   The team plans to use a technical realization of such a swept
          turbulence.                                         wing aerofoil pattern in an anechoic wind-tunnel for further
           The City research team was inspired by the complex 3-D   acoustic tests. The outcome of this research will prove to be
          geometry of the extensions along the front of the owl's feath-  important for future laminar wing design and has the potential to
          ers—reconstructed by Professor Wagner and his team in previous   reduce aircraft noise. Q
          studies using high-resolution micro-CT scans.        Article courtesy:

                    NEWS DIGITAL

                                         NEXT AGM IN BOSTON

                                             has taken place in the United States and   forward to welcoming the leaders of the
                                             the first time it comes to Boston.  world aviation community to Boston, one
                                              “Boston is an exciting choice for the   of our key focus cities,” said Robin Hayes,
           The International Air Transport   77th IATA AGM. With its rich history,   chief executive officer of JetBlue Airways
           Association has announced that JetBlue   attractive setting and prestigious uni-  and incoming chairman of the IATA board
           Airways will host the 77th IATA annual   versities, it is a popular global tourism   of governors.
           general meeting and World Air Transport   destination. As the world reopens, Boston   The decision to host the 77th IATA AGM
           Summit in Boston, Massachusetts, on   will be a bellwether city to observe the   in Boston was made at the conclusion of
           27-29 June 2021.                  shape of the recovery,” said Alexandre de   the 76th AGM, which was held virtually
            This will be the sixth time the pre-emi-  Juniac, IATA director general and CEO.  with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines as the host
           nent global gathering of aviation’s leaders   “JetBlue and our crewmembers look   airline.  Q

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