Page 58 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 58


                                            EMIRATES MULTI-RISK TRAVEL

                                                          INSURANCE COVERAGE

                                                                   named reasons - similar to other comprehensive travel
                                                                   cover products.
         Emirates is the first airline to offer expanded, multi-risk travel   •   Trip cancellation or curtailment up to (US)$7,500 if the
          cover on top of its current COVID-19 cover at no additional cost to   school year is extended due to COVID-19 beyond the
          travellers.                                              departure date, and the traveller or a relative (as defined
            Giving this peace of mind to their travellers,  Emirates chairman   in the policy) is a full-time teacher, full-time employee or a
          and chief executive  Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum said,   student at a primary or secondary school.
          “ Emirates was the first airline to offer complimentary global   •   Trip curtailment up to (US) $7,500 for non-refundable trip
          COVID-19 cover for travellers back in July, and the response from   costs and additional costs to return to their country of
          our customers has been tremendously encouraging.         residence if the traveller or a relative (as defined in the
           “We’ve not rested on our laurels and instead continued to look at   policy) falls critically ill, for instance, contracts COVID-19
          how we can offer our customers an even better proposition. We’re   while traveling abroad.
          very pleased to be able to now provide this new multi-risk travel   •   Travel abandonment up to (US)$7,500 if the traveller fails a
          insurance and COVID-19 cover, which is another industry first, to   COVID-19-related test or medical screening at the airport
          all our customers.                                       and is required to abandon the trip.
           “We see a strong appetite for travel around the world, especially   •   (US) $150 per day per person, for up to 14 consecutive days
          heading into the winter holidays as people seek warmer climates   if, while outside of their country of residence, the traveller
          and family destinations like Dubai. By launching this new multi-risk   tests positive for COVID-19, and if they are unexpectedly
          travel insurance and COVID-19 cover, we aim to give our customers   placed into a mandatory quarantine outside their country of
          even more confidence in making their travel plans this winter and   residence by a governmental body.
          moving into 2021.”                                   “We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Emirates and
           Provided by Emirates and provided by AIG Travel, the cover   we are excited to work with them to tailor this product to meet the
          will automatically apply to all Emirates tickets purchased from 1   needs of Emirates customers worldwide,” said Jeff Rutledge, CEO,
          December, and extends to Emirates codeshare flights operated by   AIG Travel.
          partner airlines, as long as the ticket number starts with 176.  “Our hope is to help alleviate some of the concerns travellers
           Emirates customers will be covered when they fly to any destina-  may have when planning travel during this time.”
          tion, in any class of travel. Highlights of the coverage include:  Similar to other multi-risk travel insurance products, Emirates’
           •   Out-of-country emergency medical expenses and emer-  generous cover also has provisions for personal accidents during
               gency medical evacuation up to (US) $500,000, valid for   travel, winter sports cover, loss of personal belongings and trip
               COVID-19 (contracted during the trip) and other medical   disruptions due to unexpected air space closure, travel recommen-
               emergencies while traveling abroad.            dations or advisories.
           •   Trip cancellation up to (US)$7,500 for non-refundable costs   Customers do not need to register or fill in any forms before they
               if the traveller or a relative (as defined in the policy) is   travel, and they are not obligated to utilise this cover provided by
               unable to travel because they are diagnosed with COVID-19   Emirates. For more information, please visit
               before the scheduled trip departure date, or for other   multi-risk-travel-insurance. Q

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