Page 57 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 57


                                   HOW ENTEBBE AIRPORT IS

                                   OPERATING AMIDST COVID-19

                                            hours indicated by the destination country   country are foreigners.
                                            take priority.                       Uganda earned about Shs5. 8 trillion from
         When Entebbe international           At the airport, passengers must maintain   tourism in the 2018/2019 financial year,
          airport reopened to passenger flights in   a social distance of 1.5 metres apart from   making the sector the country's leading
          October following months of closure due   each other within the passenger terminal.  foreign currency earner for the fifth year in
          to the Covid-19-prompted lockdown, a   For passengers arriving into the   a row, according to government data.
          number of standard operating practices   country, most of the rules that apply in   The number of tourists in 2019 reached
          were rolled out to facilitate the safe use of   the departure case also apply here on   1,505,669 up from 1,402,409 in 2017. In the
          the airport.                      top of other SOPs like having an authentic   FY2018/19, the tourism sector accounted
           But, according to the Uganda Civil   and valid negative COVID-19 Polymerase   for 7.7 percent of the national GDP and 6.7
          Aviation Authority (UCAA), people continue   Chain Reaction (PCR) test certificate from   percent of total national employment after
          to ask for clarity about these procedures,   an accredited laboratory in the country   creating 667,600 jobs.
          which evoked the Authority to release a   of origin issued within 72 hours before   Entebbe international airport facilitated
          statement explaining them (SOPs) in detail.  boarding to Uganda.     a total of 42,633 passengers both to and
           For instance, according to UCAA,   “A passenger without the negative   from Uganda in the month of October, it
          passengers that are leaving Uganda need   COVID-19 PCR test certificate will be denied   was reported recently.
          to arrive at the airport 4 hours before a   entry and the Airline shall be obliged to   Since commercial passenger operations
          scheduled flight's departure time.  take back the passenger,” UCAA said.  resumed at the airport on October 1,
           They will then be subjected to tempera-  “If it is a returning Ugandan with an   at least 23,867 passengers arrived in
          ture screening on entry to the airport and   expired COVID-19 PCR test certificate, he/  the country, 15,461 others departed to
          departure hall and they must wear a face   she will be allowed to enter the country,   other countries, while 3,305 were transit
          mask appropriately within the airport.  but shall have the test done and will be   passengers, according to the Uganda Civil
           Passengers are also encouraged   quarantined at their own cost till the   Aviation Authority rds.
          to sanitize after touching surfaces or   results come out.”            “The average number of passengers
          documents and must present an authentic   The government was prompted to   per day is so far about 1,400. In 2019, we
          and valid negative COVID-19 Polymerase   re-open the airport because of how it was   registered a total of 1,980,000 internation-
          Chain Reaction (PCR) test certificate issued   affecting the tourism sector, which is the   al passengers, which is an average of about
          within 120 hours before travel even if the   country's biggest foreign exchange earner.  5,400 passengers per day,” Vianney Luggya,
          country the passenger is going to does not   In May, president Museveni announced   the UCAA spokesperson, said.
          require it.                       that the country was set to lose (US) $1.6   According to data from the ministry of
           According to UCAA, in case the destina-  billion from the tourism sector since the   health, Uganda has so far registered 14 403
          tion country requires a COVID-19 PCR test   airport had been shut from passenger   cases of Covid-19, 132 deaths and 7771
          certificate below 120 hours, the number of   flights and millions of tourists in the   recoveries. Q

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