Page 19 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 19

Chinh Nguyên

                At that time, Nguyen was different from the children, who
            were  living  in  the  village  and  same  his  age.  He  loved  the
            wildflowers,  always  run  after  the  butterflies  on  the  paths,  and
            connected the yellow leaves to float on the surface of the autumn
            ponds,  where  Nguyen  was  a  pleasure  to  look  at  the  leaves
            twisting on the little wares by the light winds.

                Also, Nguyen liked to be alone walking on the wide paddy
            field in the early sunset to watch the groups of white herons on
            the  muddy,  where  they  started  to  leave  the  field  and  fly  back
            their nets. He wondered to look at the green wares, which were
            continued  accumulating  toward  the  horizon  in  the  later  sunset
            colorful clouds, where there was the sound

                of birds in the sky.

                Few times Nguyen was afraid to die and hid in the brush at
            later evenings by the accidence to look at the young girl with her
            clothes torn off. She was struggling on the ground of the empty
            paddy field, cries loudly for help, but nobody could help her out
            of  the  dirty  passion  of  the  hell  Foreign  Legion  soldiers,  even
            there were some farmers, who were still farming later to finish
            their work and closed the scene.

                Most farmers were afraid in painful their hearts, unfinished
            their farm work in a hurry to slip away from the devil eyes after
            they gave a quick hatred fire look at the squad French soldiers
            place,  where  an  unlucky  girl  was  screaming  and  struggling
            under a dozen of French soldier’s evil hands.

                A  squad  of  Foreign  Legion  soldiers  took  a  turn  in  their
            roared laughter of the evil passion pleasurable, and continued to
            rape her until she died by their dirty passion with blood was all
            over her low body.

                After all, they were hurried in worry for the safety to move
            back  their  base  in  Lim  District  about  two  or  three  miles  from

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