Page 24 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 24

Thorn In The Heart

         fall with its white dust water flying in the air, heard its thunder
         sounds running into the wild forest, and listen the birds singing
         in the bushes. The waterfall becomes brown-red of the raining
         forest season, and the huge capacity of water is falling on its foot
         to  make  the  big  wares  lapping  against  the  giant  stones  on  the
         dale  and  running  toward  the  wild  banks  with  the  alluvium
         muddy while the sunset is going down on the top of the hills.

             The big football field always reminded Nguyen the image of
         the  Racing  Elephant  Hill  which  closed  Mr.  Huan  house;  there
         was a place for the mountaineers racing their elephants for the
         independent celebration day at the time of President Diem, who
         was the first president of Vietnam.

             The  racing  elephant  hill  covered  by  the  huge  green  grass
         carpet  and  the  giant  trees  were  spread  on  over  the  hill  to
         welcome the spring with a little chilly air in the early sun.  The
         Burrier  spring  runs  winding  on  the  foothill  under  the  monkey
         bridges, which the local people made to reach another side and
         go to the forest.

             It  closed  Nguyen’s  house.  Therefore  Nguyen  ran  after  the
         butterflies  under  the  warm  sun  and  sang  the  wild  songs  that
         came from his heart at the student age while the wildflowers are
         a bloom on over the hill.

             Nguyen  never  forgets  the  sensitive  wild  plants  with  their
         thorns and light purple flowers, which grow and bloom on the
         path shoulders in the raining season. The plant branches as the
         rob climb on the reeds with the small green leaves were easy to
         close by the touch or strong winds.

             Nguyen had a habit of using these paths to go to Ban-Me-
         Thuot high school and went back home in the Tran-Hung-Dao
         resettlement after class. He likes to touch on the sensitive leaves
         and watches them slowly closing such as a girl blush of shame
         in the shadow of a litanies-leaves. At the time of the sensitive

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