Page 25 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 25

Chinh Nguyên

            flowers  blooming,  Nguyen  always  picks  a  beautiful,  sensitive
            flower with his careful, brought it into the literature class, and
            placed on the Nguyen-Thi-Dung’s table while she was not there.
            Most the time he was pleasure in quiet to watch her wonderful
            eyes  which  opened  wide  to  look  at  the  sensitive  flower.  She
            always smiled after she had pinned a purple flower on her hairs
            and took an around look at her investigation at her classmates,
            then she sat down in silence.

                        Nguyen felt in love with her attracted smile, soft voices
            and she was a beautiful young lady in class with the long dark
            hairs that were running on her shoulders and covered her curve

                Nguyen  paid  attention  to  her  in  silent  to  watch  her  as  he
            loved to look at the purple color of the sensitive flowers and do
            not want to touch it. Cause, if he picks a sensitive flower without
            careful, he will  make  the petals drop out of its ball. Also, the
            sensitive leaves around a flower will close, and the thorns will
            bite on his fingers with a little blood.

                Nguyen  thought  Nguyen-Thi-Dung  might  have  the  same
            emotions of the sensitive flowers. Therefore he does not want to
            lose  her  and  does  not  want  to  touch,  because  either  way  his
            feeling will get hurt, and will be the widely empty soul. So he
            kept  the  silent  love  for  the  friendship  and  closed  with  his
            dreaming hope for the time become happiness in watching and

                Nguyen-Thi-Dung  was  not  back  to  Ban-Me-Thuot  high
            school after summer 1958 like the autumn started in Nguyen’s
            heart with the first fading leave sliding through his soul, which
            brought the sorrow in his eyes.

                The flamboyant branches still carried few red flowers in the
            Ban-Me-Thuot high school front yard as Nguyen hopes Nguyen-
            Thi-Dung will be back the school to make the time running fast

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