Page 29 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 29

Chinh Nguyên

                French  colonials  opened  the  schools  to  teach  the  young
            people,  but  they  selected  a  lot  of  Vietnamese  officers,  who
            betrayed  the  country  and  would  like  to  sweat  the  people  for
            power.  Also,  French  had  some  clubs  as  French-Vietnamese
            Friends, Vietnamese civilization to stroke the local society and
            prevented  the  demonstrations.  It  was  their  dirty  soft  arms  that
            covered by the beauty velvet, but it will hurt the people in the
            deep of living as French built the Hoa-lo in Hanoi to torture the
            locals revolutionaries and kill theirs opposes.

                The  second  Indochina  war  was  indirect  command  by  Red
            China and Soviet in North Vietnam, where their leaders with the
            Communism  ideals  dominated  the  people.  Seemed,  South
            Vietnam had no more choice to fall slowly into the dirty USA
            politicians hand, which controlled by the capitalists.

                Somehow,  the  capitalists  of  USA  controlled  their
            government and the free world by their power of money. They
            led  the  crook  politicians  and  scientists  to  look  for  something
            different  on  other  stars  by  the  ultra-modern  technologies,  but
            they did not look back at their humanity for love.

                Capitalists pushed the young men going to the war to be the
            killer or die on the battlefield for the new markets as Vietnam,
            and  their  ambitions  of  the  model  colonialism,  which  will
            dominate  the whole world in  the future. They  do not love the
            people, but they love the dirty smell of the money and power,
            which  they  can  use  to  control  the  people  in  softly  until  dying
            without a struggle.

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