Page 31 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 31

Chinh Nguyên

            tried to find the markets in the Far-Eastern, and would like to
            control Vietnam under their power.

                Vietnam  was  the  choice  place  for  the  allies  testing  their
            modern  weapons,  while  both  sides  North  and  South  Vietnam
            leaders  have  shut  their  eyes  to  let  the  foreigner  weapons
            devastating  the  whole  country,  and  Vietnamese  people  were
            suffering, struggle in their blood by the different ideologies, and
            the allies interfere policies.

                Nguyen know that to be a South Vietnam soldier or not, he
            will  suffer  from  his  choice  between  him,  North  brothers  and
            foreigners. Who he will be with and who he will die to protect  .
            . ! Once principle things he was learning as every Vietnamese
            learned in the Vietnam history is: Brothers were like your arms
            and feet, do not fight either one to hurt yourself. Do not let the
            country falling for any reason on the foreigner's foot to lost an
            inch of land, that great fathers built it by their blood for the next
            generations  and  Vietnamese  people  must  sacrifice  for  it  until

                Nguyen  kept  these  principle  ideas  in  his  fading  soul,  and
            was back Ban-Me-Thuot city after three and half years for laws
            school,  while  the  flame  of  war  is  spreading  out  on  the

                Nguyen  felt  laws  are  the  things  of  complicated  and  most
            doubtful cases, and seemed as the  abstract,  hard cycle cage to
            constrain the people within the conditions, trick and not love.

                The Gods laws are the perfective for the people to truth and
            living within love; he let the people free to choose and practice
            the love that he gave the humanity. Lost the truth the people will
            be struggling for love, they will fight to get equal respective, and
            the world will be going to the war, hostile, and devastation.

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