Page 36 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 36

Thorn In The Heart

             The  allies  power  of  colonialism,  capitalism,  and
         Communism had  chosen this parallel line to separate Vietnam
         into  two  parts  different  ideologies  of  political.  All  of  them
         carried  out  the  same  of  the  dirty  ambition  and  the  dominated
         doctrine for profit on the small nations.

             They  divided  Vietnam  into  the  parts  for  easy  to  dominate
         the  North  and      South  by  their  power  of  economy  and  made
         political crisis for Vietnamese society to control the people.

             Therefore  the  supper  power  had  set  up  some  Vietnamese
         puppet  politicians  to  be  the  Vietnamese  leaders  on  both  sides,
         and without wished of the people. They gave these leaders all
         the weapons and power to rule the Vietnamese people by their
         injected policies, and  force the people  listening to them. They
         cut off the blood relationship brothers by the different ideologies
         political  at  Hien-Luong  bridge,  made  up  the  doctrine  of
         resentment  for  the  Vietnamese  people  on  both  sides,  and
         Vietnamese became the enemy of their kind to kill either one.

             Ho-Chi-Minh was carrying out the foreign policies of Soviet
         Communist, Red China on North Vietnam under the cruel dead
         rules. Capitalism of the USA and Prance colonial used the new
         domination  to  rule  the  South  by  the  power  of  the  economy
         interference policies.

             Since Vietnam became the placed of the cold and host war
         for the weapons competition of the superpowers, and they used
         Vietnamese people as the targets for testing without emotions.

             Nguyen understood the Vietnam history in the ancient times
         was  carrying  the  special  situation  of  the  remotest  period  half-
         legendary  history.  In  this  founding  nation  story,  Vietnamese
         people were born as a beautiful immortal Au-Co laid a hundred
         eggs,  and  their  father  was  a  Dragon.  The  family  separated  by
         two groups after the eggs hatched and grew to be adults. Fifty
         children  followed  their  father  downward  the  Southern  ocean,

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