Page 38 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 38

Thorn In The Heart

             World  history  has  written  that  Vietnamese  were  strong
         beside  giant  China  and  intelligent  in  the  Far-East  area.  Their
         right  hands  are  resisting  the  dead  pressure  of  North  Chinese
         Empire  for  many  years,  and  other  hands  were  stretching  out
         toward the South to develop Vietnam.   Vietnamese had stood
         up many times to fight back the giant North and West invader
         with  their  empty  hands  to  seek  independence  for  the  country.
         They  always  had  been  and  will  be  continuing  to  sacrifice
         themselves  for  their  motherland  in  the  wartime  to  keep  up
         Vietnam  forever.  Therefore  North  Empire  could  not  put
         Vietnamese  in  the  same  category  as  they  had  planted  for  the
         thousand  years,  and  French  colonials  met  the  extremely
         resistance of Vietnamese people on the battlefields.

             Vietnamese were proud to live in their motherland with the
         peaceful, respected sharing and love one of other without racism
         in  their  lives.  Also,  they  always  stand  up  to  resist  the  allies
         interference  policies,  which  tried  to  rule  their  government  and
         force  Vietnamese  into  the  hardship  of  living  as  Chinese  and
         French had done.

             Vietnam with the  “S”  figure faced the Pacific Ocean to be
         the  gate  for  the  West  going  deep  through  the  Far-East  and
         connected  the  giant  China  Empire  to  the  South  nations.
         Therefore Vietnam is  the central influences  of the philosophy,
         economy,  and  political  between  East  and  West,  and  got  the
         heavy pressure from the North.

             China  was  the  great  land  in  the  World,  but  it  people  was
         poor,  hungry  and  undeveloped  in  some  parts.  Also  it  leaders
         carried the dominated ambition toward the World for profit to
         balance their economy and solve their starvation problem by the
         dense population. They always stretched the cruel arms to their
         neighbors, and threaten the world for profit, and Vietnam was
         under the influence of China at as the nightmare, which does not
         exist at any time.

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