Page 39 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 39

Chinh Nguyên

                The genesis of  Kublai Khan,  China leaders, never renounce
            their dominated dream with a billion people, which expanded on
            anywhere in the world, and around its borders had been issuing
            the  alarm  for  the  war  between  the  allies  to  discuss  without

                China  leaders  might  use  the  immigration  laws  of  the  free
            world as the modern invasion term tactics for osmosis the world.
            Indonesia  was  a  lesson  for  the  local  people,  who  had  broken
            their  traditions  to  follow  the  emigrant’s  rules,  where  Chinese
            people had control the economy and hold their power on these
            islands.  The  local  people  will  never  find  back  their  grass  root
            even they would like to keep up their race source, but they have
            been losing their faces forever. Also, China leaders could raise
            the term of “Chinese reunite” to reinforce the Chinese people in
            the  five  areas  of  China,  Taiwan,  Hong-Kong,  Indonesia,  and
            Singapore to open the greatest market and pushes forward their
            influence to the world in the future.

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