Page 37 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 37

Chinh Nguyên

            and other fifty went with their mother upward the North to the
            mountains. One of the children going South found the kingdom
            Van-Lang and continued to rule it by the Hong-Bang dynasty for
            about 26 centuries until the end in 258 BC.

                Nguyen  thought  if  this  destiny  legend  history  is  truly  for
            Vietnamese  people,  and  carried  over  for  the  next  generations.
            So, it was the destiny separation between North and South by
            the  different  political  ideologies  of  the  Vietnamese’s  leaders,
            who want to rule the people.

                Trinh and Nguyen houses leaders had cut their motherland
            by  parts  of  North  and  South  under  the  weakness  of  the  Lê
            dynasty,  made  the  bloodbath  for  brothers  by  the  different  rule
            ideals  of  powers  from  1600  to  1802.  Vietnamese  people  were
            painful sickness in mind and body by the most constant warfare
            for a long time, and it was the cost to rise the Nguyen-Hue star
            (king Quang Trung) for the Tay-Son at 1774 to unite Vietnam.

                Again,  Vietnamese  and  Allies  politicians  divided  Vietnam
            to parts at the same place as the Trinh-Nguyen civil war. It was
            the disaster and sorrow for Vietnamese people, who were living
            in the two parts different political of North and South. The flame
            of war started spreading over the country to burn anything down,
            while  the  bombs  and  fire  shells  were  dropping  over  people

                Is  it  destiny  for  Vietnam  or  the  natural  laws  to  block
            Vietnamese people for growing in the Far-East area?

                Vietnamese  people  to  learn  about  love  and  peace,  but
            somehow  they  do  not  perform  in  their  lives  by  the  living
            competition.  They  opened  the  door  for  the  local  unification
            politicians growing and fail into the traps of the bad friend allies.
            The cost Vietnamese people had been paying for the separation
            were tearful, sorrow, suffering, and bloodbath brothers.

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