Page 33 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 33

Chinh Nguyên

            flamboyant  branch  to  follow  the  love  call,  where  she  was  so
            close to his arms. But Nguyen did not know how to get and how
            to forget.

                Sometimes he felt a little sorrow when he looks at the naked
            trees,  which  are  shaking  in  the  coldest  air  and  stand  with  the
            Winter to wait for the coming Spring. It means that the time has
            been  continuing  to  change  in  the  cycle  of  natural  laws,
            everything will pleasure to die when their times  were coming,
            then  other  generations  will  grow  in  peaceful  of  love.  Seemed,
            the leaders led the people to oppose these laws; they used the
            power  that  God  gave  them  to  overcome  any  things  by  their
            ambitions of living. They were trying to hold back the past, keep
            up  their  long  life  and  tried  to  change  the  world  toward  the
            devastation  for  dominating  the  same  kind;  even  they  were
            accepting the war to kill one of another for benefits.

                The  flamboyant  trees  on  Thong-Nhat  boulevard  sidewalks
            bloom the full red flowers as the giant red carpet hung in the air
            over three miles, where Nguyen like to come at the sunset, walks
            slowly to watch the red petals dropping out of their balls, and
            sliding  in  the  air,  then  run  with  the  light  whirlwinds  on  the
            sidewalks.  Sometimes,  Nguyen  watched  the  red  petal  flowers
            running  around  his  feet,  and  felt  the  red  petals  looks  like  the
            drops of blood that leave his heart then spread in his soul to be
            the red flowers and he asked himself in a whisper:

                “Nguyen. What will you do for your life? What is love for
            you and country? where the war will come to destroy humanity
            and how many more young men will be killed on the battlefield
            for pleasure their leaders?”

                Life was too short, and hardship for a living, but humanity
            was busy to struggle  with their problem  of love. How we can
            open our hearts to living in the peaceful, and together, we will
            build the world with love and happiness.

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