Page 35 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 35

Chinh Nguyên

            leaders called enemy or to kill as he will be a sacrifice for the
            country without a dream and do not want to be.

                The war had spread out anywhere in the country, threatened
            the  people  lives,    claimed  the  almost  thousand  civilians  and
            fighting soldier lives on both sides for a week. The flame was
            burning and destroyed the people lives,  made Vietnam broken
            into a part, and pleased the crook leaders politicians, who chose
            the war to solve the ideologies problem.

                Nguyen  followed  his  parent  to  escape  Viet-Minh  for  the
            second time toward the South at 1954, where he learned how to
            share and love for people. He grew to be an adult on the Central
            High  Land  along  with  the  echo  of  the  fighter  planes,  bombs,
            rockets, and canons, which dropped onto the forest surrounding
            the Ban-Me-Thuot city.

                Sometimes Nguyen has a little dream that he will go back to
            his old village in the North where he was born and grows along
            with his grandparent’s love until he was ten years old. He will
            live  there  in  the  peaceful  and  revere  the  beautiful  countryside
            until his last day. He will care for his grandparent’s graves, sit
            beside them and may cry by the emotion of missing love.

                Nguyen remembered that he left behind his grandparent in
            their weakness old age, and alone with their memories sorrowful
            to follow his mother escaping Viet-Minh toward Hanoi capital in
            the midnight crisis of fearing to die. They passed away without
            their sons and grandchildren besides them after Nguyen had left
            the  village  for  a  year  later.  Also,  Nguyen  knows  that  his
            grandparent  was  die  in  slowly  of  painful  without  the  help  of
            their  children  and  buried  by  their  neighbors.      Nguyen  was
            slowly  going  away  from  his  grass  root,  and  the  way  Nguyen
            back  home  had  blocked  on  the  parallel  17th  at    Hien-Luong
            bridge, where became the sorrow place for Vietnamese people.

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