Page 32 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 32

Thorn In The Heart

             The  soul  laws  will  be  toward  the  perfective  if  the  people
         learn how to love from one to another. They will have an honest
         confession  with  themselves  to  adjust  and  corrected  when  they
         were  living  in  the  quiet  lonely.  Or  they  will  recall  the  bad
         actions that they were done in the past at the old age to repent
         and redeem the faults.

             Few times Nguyen thought somehow laws had the slits for
         the benefit, which the richer, high officers and crook politicians
         could use their power and money to buy the laws, and they were
         the laws breaker under the protection of the law.

             Most of the poor were struggling to live under the heavy of
         laws and unjust society. They were continuing to stand up for
         the equal respectability as the basis of the human right to live for
         love,  but  the  more  they  struggled  to  live  than  the  more  they
         stuck on the nest crisis economy that the capitalist made for the
         society to control the people. Therefore Nguyen was falling into
         a habit to see the white cloud floating on the Ban-Me-Thuot blue
         sky, where was unlimited for the birds flying and his dream can
         break out of his soul to be with love and freedom. He likes to
         watch  the  sun  rises  on  the  top  of  the  mountains  in  the  early
         morning with its full bright colors to bring the warm light for the
         wildflowers on the hills. Also, he always stands on the top of the
         hill to look at the sunset in the mixing colors of gray, red and
         orange on the horizon. The sun will sink into the  thick forest,
         and the dark is slowly to cover the weak light, that hung on the
         top of the trees, while the light fox starts flying in the air.

             He likes to look at a lonely yellow leave sliding in the air,
         drifts down the clear water stream, such as his soul floating on
         the stream life to search the love that he lost at the first time.

             Nguyen love to watch the red flowers of the flamboyant tree
         at summer on the Thong-Nhat sidewalks. Think of the name of
         his  old  friends,  who  left  the  Ban-Me-Thuot  High  School  after
         the  end  of  the  12  grade.  Then  a  little  songbird  left  the
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